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7 Tips and Steps to Learn How to Care For a New Tattoo - Articles SurfingOne of the first things you should know when getting a tattoo is how to take care of a new tattoo. Lucky for me I had a really good tattoo artist doing my tattoos if not I probably would have messed things up quite a bit and that would have been an unpleasant experience. On one of my first pieces I used way too much ointment and drew a lot of the ink out of the new tattoo. I had to go in for some touch up work and go through the pain, again. Any reliable tattoo shop and their artists will give you instructions on tattoo after care. Be sure you follow them properly. You really would not want to go through all that pain and then have something go wrong. Most artists will do touch up work for you, but it is certainly unnecessary pain. Here are some tips and steps for how to care for a new tattoo Keep the bandage over the new tattoo for several hours. After that remove the bandage covering the tattoo and do not re-bandage it. This allows the air to dry it and start the healing process. Wash the new tattoo gently with an antibacterial soap. Do not scrub or use too much pressure. Make sure to rinse the area of any blood, bodily fluids, and soap. Do this every couple hours until the oozing stops. After washing your new tattoo, apply a healing ointment to the area. Vitamin D ointment is highly recommended. Just don't put too much. You'll want to do this several times a day. In addition to the ointment, or after several days of using just the ointment, begin moisturizing the tattooed area several times a day. Make sure to use an unscented and alcohol free moisturizer. This will help with the itching as the tattoo heals. Avoid long baths, hot tubs, pools or any other prolonged exposure to water. Showers are fine, but again do not scrub the area vigorously or keep it soaking in water. If the tattoo is on your hand or wrist, avoid washing dishes for a prolonged period (lucky you!) Avoid the sun. The sun can always do damage to your new tattoo, but especially so when your new tattoo is still healing. You do not want to dry out the healing tattoo area and definitely don't want to get a sunburn. Always make sure to use a generous amount of sun block on your tattoo or your tattoo will fade. Never pick or scratch the tattooed area, even (and especially) if it scabs up or some skin peels away. Allow the tattoo to fully heal on its own. In general, use common sense when taking care of your new tattoo. Treat your tattoo like you would most other open wounds on your body. Wash it, moisturize it, keep it clean and avoid exposure to water and sunlight. Follow the above tips and you and your tattoo will end up well preserved, perfectly healed and you will be perfectly healthy.
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