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Article Surfing ArchiveCreative Ways To Save On Gas - Articles SurfingI*m sure if you*re reading this article, you drive a car and chances are you*re filling up with gas unless you*ve found some miraculous way to drive your car via another way. Regardless of how you get around, everyone loves to save money and when you see gas prices consistently rising to prices you don*t like to see, you can find creative ways to save on gas. So, instead of crying the next time gas hits four dollars a gallon, you can be jumping for joy when you save money unlike your friends. Now, I*m here today to show you a few ways on how you can save on gas. Some of these tips you may want to implement and if some sound like they*d be too much work, that's fine but remember this will all be time well spent and just think of all the money you'll save in the future as well. Switch your oils * Studies have shown that if you switch your current oil to synthetic oil, this can help reduce your gas mileage by just a little bit. Even if it is a little bit, remember that every little mile counts. The reason why synthetic oil works so well is because it reduces Look at window films * If you live in a southern climate, you may find yourself using the air conditioner a lot. I*m sure you know by now that the air conditioner uses more gas. This means that if you can cut back on your air conditioning habits, you can reduce your gas bill. A great way to look into saving on your air conditioning is by investing in window films. These are simple films that wrap around the window making the inside of the car about ten to twenty degrees cooler than the outside. If you can reduce the temperature inside, this will lessen the chance of using your air. Secure your gas cap * This may sound really silly but every time you fill up, make sure that you secure your gas cap. A good way of making sure your gas cap is secure is by turning it until it clicks three times. If you fail to do this, it can cause gas to vaporize into the air. This will be gas wasted that you could have used. The next time you fill up, make sure you secure the cap! Lock your gas cap * This one won*t really save you on gas mileage but it can prevent theft. If you grab a gas lock for your tank, it will prevent thieves from stealing your gas. If a thieve sees a gas lock, he/she will most likely move onto the next target. To avoid something like this, simply go to your local auto parts store and look for one that fits your car model. You won*t want to wake up one morning and find your gas is all gone. These are all just a few ways you can get better gas mileage and save on your next fill up. Remember, it's also important that you drive responsibly and not drive to places you don*t need to go to. Plan your day accordingly and you should be as frugal as they come when it comes to gas.
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