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Double Your Mileage! Based On 1000s Of Real Cars Worldwide! - Articles Surfing

I have been searching for "free energy" since time immemorial. But haven't we all?

Back in Israel in 1983, a friend has given me some old Popular Science and Popular Mechanix magazines. I read every word with thirst. In the classifieds I found intriguing ads for "free energy" books and plans that sparked my imagination. I ordered some books and the information I found in them was hard to believe - Official US Patents showing clear, easy to follow technologies to generate what seemed feasible free energy to the inventor AND to the US gov't, thru its Patent Office!

One thing was not clear though. How come these inventions lie there in dust and nobody's DOING anything about them? In the big, rich and powerful America?! It took me many years of research to fully realize that there are people who want these technologies suppressed for as long as they possibly can. For profit of course.

It was not hard to figure out that if it took me so much research to get to this information and this understanding, then it follows that the average dude has little chance of finding out. He's being lied to constantly and massively. My father made sure to teach me all about how impossible free energy was. He kept mentioning extracting energy from water. I kept this at the back of my mind and, as Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot always says, waited for some truth to present itself.

In 2006 it came to me in the shape of a funny little jar that somebody installed in my truck. He said it would generate energy out of water. I was skeptical but enthusiastic to discover the truth. It took minutes to realize - it was indeed working! With plain water out of the guy's garden hose... It saved gas, drastically suppressed my terrible emissions - and even added some power to my weary 20-year old truck. One of the things I like best was it made the truck very quiet, so I no longer needed to shout on the cellphone or blast the radio.

A technology so cheap and marvelous must not be put aside - the world must know about this! I thought to myself and started doing something about it. I became a teacher. After a few short months I had cars running with this "miracle" all over the world: From Norway to Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Ireland and Poland, Austria and Spain, all over the Good Old USA and Latin America. Oops...I forgot to mention good old England.

Did you notice that when you actually experiment with a new technology, even if only a new recipe in the kitchen, that you become wiser and more confident about it? And you get new realizations that you did not get from reading a piece of paper? Well, that's exactly what happened to me. It took me some time and a lot of actual experimentation, to finally wrap my head around this "free energy from water" idea. It came in a flash one day: we are NOT generating free energy like some ridiculous machine diagrams that never take off. We're only REDUCING the 75% waste of normal gasoline engine!

Here is an affordable technology to help us increase efficiency and save money on gas for our vehicles. You can save one half of your gas money by convert your car or truck to a water-burning vehicle (Water Hybrid)! Water 4 Gas is SIMPLE to install/remove. This is the solution we have been looking for! Boost performance while preventing smog. Discover how to generate free energy in your car or truck. Our technology will help not only eliminate carbon deposits caused by unburned gasoline over the first few weeks you will notice that the engine becomes smoother and smoother making the engine quiet, calm. The engine stops knocking or "pinging", less noise, it also vibration less, resulting in reduced strain on the transmission (thus smoother gear shifts), cleaner pistons and valves, and generally better engine operation.

Let's say you drive a vehicle that gets 20 miles per gallon and you cover 2,000 miles per month, then you're consuming 100 gallons of gasoline a month. At $3 per gallon this equals to $3,600 yearly out of your pocket! In Europe you pay almost double of that. Save 35% fuel and you will have saved $1,260 per year in gasoline ($1,256 after expenses). If you are two, three or four drivers in the family, this yearly savings increases dramatically.

Did you know the IRS makes refunds to you by law for using green technology in your vehicle!

Submitted by:

Crystal Ayers

We finally have a way to Fight Back and stop being Forced to Pay Outrages Gas Prices! Go to Water 4 Gasto Save Your Money Now! Brought to you by Lets Live Better Now.com Lets Live Better Now.com Saving Money



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