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Drink Driving - Maximum Penalty - Death - Kill Or Be Killed - Articles Surfing

Drink Driving - People who under the influence of alcohol believe that they can control or handle a vehicle while inebriated are taking a big risk. Think about it, there are just as many automobile accidents with sober drivers, so what chance has a drunken dimwit got while intoxicated. Leave the car keys at home if you are going out for a couple pints. You will enjoy the evening better - not having to worry about taking chances. Risks are normally taken by the drunkard - purely because they are afraid to leave their car behind in the pub car park - fearing it may be stolen or vandalized. A good idea is to leave it in the garage. Drink driving - not a match made in heaven and believe it or not - this is where many an innocent pedestrian or driver has ended up (Heaven)

The latest updates on drink driving offenses committed this Christmas totaled to a number of 225 but news updates said that fewer motorists were apprehended for driving under the influence of drink or drugs. A car is classed as an exhibit i.e. murder weapon if driven by a drunk.

Think before you drink and drive because of the devastating consequences that occur if control of the vehicle is lost. Drink driving - kills, maims and comes with a prison sentence if found driving over the legal amount of alcohol consumption.

Motorists who risk having a pint or two of lager or couple of whiskeys and get behind the steering wheel of car could pay for it for the rest of their lives. If you are convicted of drink driving: then you go on file i.e. having a criminal record. Banned from driving on the roads, and your insurance premium will go through the roof.

The current legal limit is: 35 microgram's of alcohol in 100 milliliters of breath; 80 milligram's of alcohol in 100 milliliters of blood; 107 milligram's of alcohol in 100 milliliters of urine. If you have been apprehended - for causing death by careless driving while under the influence of - booze or drugs, the maximum penalty imposed is 10 years in prison and unlimited fine and a ban for up to two years. So you see offenses as such can change your whole life and that of close members of your family - and not forgetting the family of the innocent road victim you killed that lies on the mortuary slab. Sorry will not bring them back.

Driving or attempting to drive whilst above the legal limit or unfit through drink. The maximum penalty is 6 months imprisonment plus a fine of *5000 and a ban for at least 12 months, this ban triples to three years if you have been convicted twice in 10 years. Remember that after you blow into the bag i.e. breathalyzer, the result (reading) will decipher how long you are going to prison - for drink driving.

If you refuse to provide a urine specimen or blood sample then this carries a maximum penalty of 6 months imprisonment plus a fine of *5000 and a ban for at least 12 months. So it makes sense to let common sense prevail i.e. leave the car at home and you can drink your self into a state of oblivion. The mind boggles getting into a state as such (Drunken Stupor) i.e. not knowing if you enjoyed your self the night before or more importantly did you kill someone when drink driving.

Drink driving kills whether your the driver or not. Be careful crossing the road.

Submitted by:

Kacy Carr

Motoring Issues http://www.onlinedrivingeducation.com Had an accident Cosmetic Surgery http://www.spotthepimple.com



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