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Drive Wisely For Safety - Articles Surfing

One thing you have to learn by heart when driving is that of defense driving. A lot of people think that if they already know how to hold that steering wheel, they know all the stuff about driving. Wrong. Although defense driving is taught in driving schools, not everyone takes it by heart.

Defense driving teaches you the basics on what you are going to in case a mishap is about to happen. An example of this is that of snow skidding. Some worn out tires have a hard time grasping on snow, and so, when the time comes that your tires suddenly give up, defense driving teaches you what to do (i.e. how to steer the wheel, what position should the gear be etc.).

It seems like the movie Fast and Furious has made a lot of followers all over France. In 2007, a study conducted by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety states that a lot of drivers in France like to floor the accelerator* and the result? Lots of injuries and deaths related to car crashes in the said year. Now, to minimize, if not eradicated, these speeding addicts, France placed lots of cameras and speed traps on all highways to prevent speeding drivers from doing their thing.

Get your copy of your policy and look at it. Do you see any *bodily injury liability* written there? That coverage is vital in any car insurance policy since, if you get involved in an accident, it protects both parties involved in many ways. This coverage covers your passengers* and your medical expenses when you are rushed to a hospital, as well as the damage done to the other party (income loss within the period of injury is included). Aside from these, it also protects you from the future lawsuit the other party will file if ever you are found at fault.

If your friends think driving under the influence (DUI) is cool, car insurance companies think otherwise. To protect their customers (and to further their financial opportunities perhaps?), insurance companies conduct different random checks on their clients and new applicants. If the insurance company finds out that you have been caught DUI even once, the insurance company can raise your premium if you*re an old policyholder, or increase the price of their premium on you if you*re applying for a new one. These companies wouldn*t want to put under their umbrellas irresponsible drivers and pay for their future damages.

In requesting for car insurance quotation, be specific about the kind of coverage that you want. For example, if you bought a used vehicle, it makes no sense to purchase so much coverage * better stick to a basic one. Provide your insurance company with as much detail as possible to avoid buying a package that is filled with numerous add-ons that you don*t need.

Bear in mind that the best deal does not mean the cheapest, but the best deal is the one that is worth the money that you will pay for. Good car insurance quotes today are now easy to find, with the many websites that provide free quotes and other useful information.

Insurance companies also count in the deductibles that you can get, your car's safety features, the place your vehicle is registered in, average mileage you drive each year, the condition of your vehicle, and your health condition. Car insurance quotes will also be affected depending on any car accidents you caused and your driving experience. You can reduce your insurance quotes if you have higher deductibles and a good driving record.

In order to get the best insurance rates, make sure that you check if you are eligible for any discounts. Senior citizens and students can also get discounts in car insurance quotes nationwide.

Submitted by:

Jon Caldwell

Jon Caldwell is a professional content manager. Much of his articles can be found at http://carinsurancefundamentals.com



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