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Effectiveness of a Water Power Car - Articles Surfing

There is a growing demand for vehicles that use an alternative source of power. Recently, the US government has become more concerned with environmental problems that are associated with using oil as a source for energy. Nations across the globe are starting their own eco-friendly initiatives to encourage consumer independence from oil. As oil prices surge against the backdrop of a weak US economy, there has never been a better time to switch to an eco-friendly vehicle. There are several eco-friendly vehicular options available to the consumer, but among all of them, the water power car remains an enigma to most consumers.

Unfortunately, the term * water power car * is slightly misleading. The term * water power car * is often used interchangeably with hydrogen generator assisted cars. There is a distinct difference between the two terms. This difference becomes especially pronounced if you take the term * water power car * literally.

A * water power car * can literally mean a car that uses water to operate. The usage of water as a fuel source is assumed to be absolute. The car runs on water and only water. This hypothetical solution would be the holy grail of alternative fuel solutions. If this academic ideal was ever realized, it would pave the way for a clean, sustainable source of energy.

However, science has yet to produce a modern day vehicle that can run entirely on water. Several experiments have been conducted in the last century. And while some of these experiments have produced vehicles that are able to use water in its operations, it should be noted these vehicles are unable to perform at standard expected by most modern day motorists. Some of these water-powered vehicles are glorified steam engines that are unable to perform efficiently.

But that doesn*t mean that water can*t be used to help power a car. The concept of hydrogen generators has taken the automotive world by storm. In the past few years, a number of products and services have arisen in the wake of this phenomenal form of technology. These products and services allow motorists to utilize hydrogen generators in powering their vehicles.

Hydrogen generators turn water into a gaseous state and introduce these gases into your engine, displacing some fuel while allowing the remainder to burn more efficiently. This reduces the amount of fuel consumed while squeezing extra mileage out of the fuel that is combusted.

This method can increase your mile per gallon ratio substantially. Several consumers have reported up to a 50% increase in miles per gallon. If done correctly, these conversions should not produce any negative effects on your vehicle; you should not notice any substantial change in power or handling. All you should notice is that you do not need to refuel as often.

Several professional services have emerged with the advent of this technology. These services can install a hydrogen generator in your vehicle for a fee. The cost will vary according to the type of vehicle you drive and can cost up to $10,000. There are also several guides available on the internet that will show you how to perform the conversion yourself. These guides will require you to buy the raw materials, but the materials are much cheaper. Most guides require materials that cost approximately $150.

If gas prices are burning a hole in your wallet, try extinguishing your excess expenditure with a water power car.

Submitted by:

Arthur Maxwell

Click Here to learn how to run your car on water today. Arthur Maxwell is an expert on gas-saving cars, providing valuable advice at http://www.drivingcarwithwater.info/.



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