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19 Ways To Attract Higher Paying Clients - Articles Surfing

Some people have little difficulty attracting andmaintaining clients who have higher discretionary funds tospend for solutions. Others can't even get to the first base. If youare one of those and want clients who can pay more and youcurrently aren't attracting them, here is a list of 10barriers that might be interfering.

Higher paying clients are easier to work with, appreciateyour work more, pay quicker and are more profitable.

Whenever I am asked by a independent profession how to get aclient to pay more money, the first answer tends to be "youcan't." It is very difficult to raise your rates with yourexisting clients. You generally need to find new, higher-paying clients.

1. Equal stature. People usually take the time to listento people who are just as important as they are. Are you ontheir listening level? Dress the way they do, even if youdeal with them only over the phone. Speak in theirlanguage. Show the same type of authority and posture.Avoid jargon and words they aren't familiar with, yet useones that they are. Talk across or equal not down or up.Take control of the relationship. This may seem toaggressive, however, this is the way you raise yourself totheir equal.

2. Thoroughly know their challenges and what solutions yourservice/product provides.If you can't relate to their"world" then they will not let you in. They are proud oftheir "world" because they made it so.

3. Be friendly with all those that surround them.Administrative secretary, receptionist, any of theirgatekeepers. Yes, they will report about you on yourbehavior.

4. The higher the ladder you go, the more likely they willbe a visionary. This means they are more concerned aboutthe future and will talk and think in those terms.Visionaries are not price sensitives so don't even place thaton your radar screen with them. Know what their visionsare, support those visions in any way you can. If you havea product or service that can make their business better,you will have a sale. Remember though, it's theirperspective of "better" and not yours.

5. The higher you go, the more they expect in great serviceand additional services outside the scope of what youprovide everyone else.

6. ALWAYS keep your promises before and after the sale andthey will keep the relationship. Break it once, yes,usually just once and you're history.

7. Don't brown nose. They smell it a mile away. They willeither quickly turn you away or play you for entertainmentand then toss you away. Once you get this label you canalmost hang it up in their circle unless you fess up to yourinappropriate behavior.

8. They don't have the word "mistake" in their vocabulary.Everything to them is a "learning lesson" and is connectedto a price tag. If you are even harboring some personbeliefs of making mistakes, they will sense this as fear.And since fear has a special energy/vibration they have keensenses for it.

9. Their first response to your proposal will always be"how can they do it in-house themselves." Expect to be ableto demonstrate the specialness and if you can particularshow how it can be completed in-house, the more browniepoints you earn. The higher your expertise or specialtiesthe less chance they can "create it in-house." This isbecause higher paying clients tend to gravitate tospecialists.

10. The higher the clientele, the better their leveragingskills are. If they can figure out how to leverage itbetter and cheaper, you will lose. This isn't always true,most times if they have too much on their plate already anddon't want to spend their focus time away AND they like you,you can get the sale.

11. "No" is a test. Don't take anything for granted.Flexibility and diversity are important in riding out thestorm.

12. Find clients to whom your work is not only valuable,but essential to their goals.

13. Know your worth and stand by it.

14. Remove the "under earner" mind set.

15. Make it easy for them to work with you. Remove anyhoops or extra steps that take up their time.

16. Decide in advance what you're going to do if they don'taccept your higher fee.

17. Presentation level needs to be on their level orperceived to be there.

18. Rely more on referrals for this market.

19. Be confident and know you can attract them. Feel andallow the possibility without question -- 100%. Remove anydoubt.

Submitted by:

Catherine Franz

Catherine Franz, is a certified life and business coachspecializing in marketing and writing,Internet andinfoproduct development. For other articles, and ezines:http://www.AbundanceCenter.com.



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