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2 Free MLM Marketing Tips - Articles SurfingHere are two free mlm marketing tips that if you take to heart, take action on them and implement them into your business you will see great & exciting things happen. However like everything else action is the key to your success..... if you simply just read this article with out taking any action on these free mlm marketing tips, it will have been a complete waste of your time...... however... if you take the required action, I can virtually guarantee you that you will reap huge rewards from these two marketing tips. These two free mlm marketing tips are responsible for me being able to create a very nice six figure income in a very short amount of time. And by short amount of time..... I have only been in this industry for two and a half years and I was a six figure income earner with in my first six months.... So..... these work gang! Free MLM Marketing Tip #1: Do not become a warm market or a cold market junkie. Out of all the mlm tips you could get this one is by far one of the most important for you to take seriously. You see there is an very interesting trend emerging in this industry. It seems that the old school guys are only about the warm market strategies and are pretty much against any cold market activities, especially if it has anything to do with the Internet. They claim that the cold market marketing strategies are not duplicatable! This is so very wrong. The right cold market activities are duplicatable for those who are serious about becoming successful..... Looks like I just made this article to include 3 free mlm marketing tips...... be serious about becoming successful! Treat this like a business and not a hobby and it will pay you like a business should! Now on the other side of the equation... there has emerged a group of people in the mlm industry that do all of their marketing online to the cold market. Both of these strategies are seriously flawed. In order to create a long term successful mlm organization it is very important to incorporate both the warm market and cold market strategies into your business. Free MLM Marketing Tip #2: Now in my opinion this is the most powerful marketing tip out of all of the free mlm marketing tips you could ever come across in your career. When working a cold market marketing strategy.... do not waste your time calling cold leads...... putting fliers around town...... running classified ads...... putting booths in tradeshows.... etc! All of this is garbage and is a complete waste of time, energy and money! Focus instead on learning the skills required to harness the power of the internet to create for yourself a massive mlm organization. Although there is a small learning curve involved in this free mlm marketing tip....... it is still the better then all the other tips you could get. Take these free mlm marketing tips seriously and then take the time to get over the online learning curve and all of your mlm dreams and goals will become a reality.
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