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5 Rules In Building Your List - Articles SurfingBuilding your list is not just something you do without effort. There are rules, albeit informally or unwritten ones, that will make your list building efforts really successful. When you follow these rules, you can be assured that you are well on your way to becoming a master list builder. Rule Number One: Always Build 100% Opt-in Lists. Make sure that your subscribers opt-in to your auto-responder so that you will not have a problem. If they do that, your auto-responder will collect the date, time stamp, and that IP addresses and all of the information that you can use to help protect yourself if somebody cries spam. It does happen. Rule Number Two: Quality is more important that quantity. Never be discouraged if you don*t build a huge list right away. Try to turn the list that you create into buyers, short as they may be initially. Send them offers. And try to keep in contact with these people so they don*t forget that they subscribed under you. Rule Number Three: Work towards multiple, tightly targeted lists. Build a tightly targeted list so you can target different products to people who are really looking for those products. This will make you earn more profits and save your energy and cost to maintain a list. Rule Number Four: Take your time and do it right. If you don*t have it ready, or if there are other things you can do that will benefit you even better, take your time and do it right. Haste truly makes waste. Do not be afraid to postpone things unless you are really sure about them. Ensure that you have all your documents in a row before you start your project. Rule Number Five: Think viral in everything you do. If you want to make it big in the internet marketing business, link up with bigwigs such as Joe Vitale, Jimmy D. Brown, Mark Hendricks, Holly Cotter, Cody Moya and Joel Christopher. When you do email them, make your stand out by playing up your subject line. The subject line is the most powerful part of your email, basically, because if your email doesn*t get opened, the body is no use. Also, include the first name of the person you are sending an email to in the subject line so it won*t get classified as spam. One of the best ways to build your list is to create some viral products, a viral e-book and an e-course. It would also help if you threw in an affiliate product ebook where you could brand it with affiliate links in the prize. These are just packaged as giveaways, but the returns to both subscriber and internet marketer are great. This way, it goes out as useful information and gets disseminated to a lot of people in less time. Always have this mindset when you are doing your internet marketing stunts, so that you will always get the best of the market and not the other way around.
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