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5 Steps To Becoming A Cash Magnet, Work-at-home, Affiliate Marketer Without Spending Boat Loads Of Cash! - Articles Surfing

Affiliate marketing continues to be an excellent way to earn a substantial income. You*ve heard the usual rundown of attributes that make affiliate marketing advantageous. They include, not having to own or create your own product, not having to speak to any customers, and not having to develop and maintain your own website. Although all these things are true, what most people fail to place an emphasis on is in order to be a successful affiliate marketer, you have to learn how to sell!

Work at home, affiliate marketing success is absolutely hinged upon this simple premise; Advertise Low/Sell High. You must keep your advertising costs low and your profit margins high. In this short article, I am going to provide you with 5 steps that will help you blast your affiliate commissions through the roof while keeping your advertising costs low.

1. Make Use of Blogs and RSS Feeds: Blogging can be a very lucrative and free way to advertise affiliate programs. Simply place a banner or link to the product you are advertising along with a short review of the product, plus other relevant, and interesting posts and information. Now that you*ve created your blog, you need to bring traffic to it. This is how you do it. First optimize your blog just like you would any other website. If you need help on search engine optimization, just do a search on the Internet, you'll find plenty of free resources. Next submit your site to the top blog directories, acquire back links, and remember to post relevant and meaningful information often.

Concerning RSS. If you use Blogger, they will provide a RSS link for you for free. Simply submit it the top RSS directories as well and place a chicklet on your blog, so that interested readers can subscribe if they want to.

2. Write Free Articles: Free articles are another excellent way to earn affiliate commissions without spending any money. Simply find a product you would like to sell and write a short, informative article on the topic. Be careful not to make it a sales pitch, but something that will benefit the reader. Be sure to create a small ad that speaks about the product you are promoting and place this in your resource box. This is where you plug your product. Note: Some article directories do not allow affiliate links, so you may want to create a blog to promote your product, create an actual website or buy a domain and simply forward it to whatever product you are selling.

3. Ask For More Information: This is a very powerful and simple technique that can be used to jumpstart your affiliate earnings without monetary investment. Here's how it works. Go and visit some of the top classified sites on the Internet. Simply do a search on Google, Yahoo or MSN, if you aren*t familiar with any. Visit the work-at-home, and business opportunities section. Write down their email addresses and simply request more information. But before you do, write your email signature as a small ad. Never attempt to sell them anything in the body of your email, this might be considered spam. Just simply ask for more information and create an enticing tag line as your email signature. You may want to create a separate email account for this.

4. Purchase Offline Classified Ads: You can purchase space in Thrifty Nickel Ads rather cheaply. Try to find a niche that isn*t over run like the work-at-home or business opportunities sections generally are. You can purchase your ad online, but I*ve found that if I can save nearly 50% if I purchase the ad space in person, or if I mail in my payment. Call them first and ask them how much the ad will cost if you mail in your payment.

5. Go Viral: Create a small, free ebook, roughly 5-10 pages on a topic relevant to what you are selling. Place your affiliate link somewhere in the book. Then submit your ebook to popular free ebook directories. You can find a ton of them by doing a search on the Internet for *free ebook directories.

There you have it, 5 simple steps to help you skyrocket your affiliate commissions and work-at-home with little or no budget. What are you waiting for? It's time to get started. Get to work already!

Submitted by:

Ken Shorey

Ken Shorey is owner/webmaster of http://ez-work-at-home.net a work at home directory for legitimate online business programs and resources, all rights reserved.



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