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5 Steps To Turbocharge Your Success - Articles Surfing

Let's take an imaginary journey. Better yet, imagine that you wish to take a driving trip across the country from New York to San Francisco. There are more than a couple of ways to head out on this trip. But, you have limited time and resources, AND you want this trip to be productive, enjoyable, and NOT stress-inducing.

Which of the two following approaches makes the most sense: (A) Saying "I'm going to San Francisco" then jump into your vehicle, and head out with no planning? Or, (B) creating a mental picture of how you'd spend your time (and money) in San Francisco? Would you know the reason for your trip? In other words, how would you prepare for the trip? Would you map out how to get there? Would you know who would be traveling with you, and what their responsibilities for the trip might be? Would you figure out how much money you would need to get there (not to mention, get back home)? How much time will you allow for the trip? How many stops will you need to make? And, finally, how will you keep from running out of fuel (emotionally, physically, and financially) before the trip is completed? (This last question is addressed in my "Running on a Full Tank" class. The rest of the questions can be addressed by thinking deeply, and following 5 major steps to success, below).

Using the above analogy, let's say that the destination is your success in business. How well can you define the following: your ultimate destination (your vision), why your business exists (your mission), how you measure your progress (your objectives), what ongoing steps you will need to perform (your strategies), and what projects need to be implemented (your action plans)?

In the examples above, most small business owners try to run their business using the (A) approach. They have sort of named a destination ("I want to have a business doing_____"), and set out to "go there" with no real planning. With this approach, how much time and other resources are wasted on taking wrong turns, not having carity about where they're going, why, with whom, and what exactly needs to be done to reach their destination?

If you're really serious about reaching your success destination, my challenge to you is to create a powerful, energizing, inspiring, step-by-step plan that clearly maps out everything needed to get there. I love using "The One Page Business Plan" system. So with this as my guide, I've mapped out your 5-step journey to success.

Vision - (What are you building)

Describe with great clarity what your business will look like in 3 to 5 years. How much revenue will it generate, with how many employees, serving what geography, serving what type of client, and providing what service? You may even want to specify what technologies you will use, or what ideals you will incorporate into your company culture. If you have a goal of giving 10% of your profits to a favorite cause, include that, too. In other words, dare to dream...and dare to dream specifically and boldly!

Mission - (Why does your business exist?)

When I work with a client to create business plans, this is very often the area on which we spend the most time...and for good reason. A well defined mission should not only inspire you and your employees, but customers as well. To do so, it should encapsulate the reason why, on a deeper level, you have chosen to be in this business, and what sets your business apart. It's timeless. (Examples: The History Channel: "Where history comes alive"; Nature Concervancy: "Saving the last great places"; Lenscrafters: "Helping people see better, one hour at a time"). A mission can compel and impel you (and others) to action. And, when the going gets rough, or you're feeling discouraged, it acts as the inspiration and energizer to keep you going.

Objectives - (What are the specific measures?)

Objectives must be graphable. They define your goals...what you need less of, or more of, to be successful. Maybe you want more revenue, profits, clients, or store locations. Great! How much more? Now, what do you want less of?...inventory, printing costs, automotive costs? Terrific! How much less?

Stated another way, what numbers do you need in order to assess the health, the pulse of your business? What statistics indicating the health of your business would be on a single page...to be faxed to you while you're lying on a beach in Tahiti?

Strategies - (What are the right things we have to do over time?)

How will you grow and manage this business? Strategies provide a framework for what you will and will NOT do. They establish best practices, set the direction on such areas as marketing, product pricing, internet presence, strategic alliances, target markets, employee retention, and positioning. Examples include: Doing a product roll-out at a major trade show, forming a strategic alliance with a "power partner", setting up a testimonial or referral program.

Action Plans - (What is the work to be done?)

What projects do you need to work on this year? Who is responsible for each of these projects, and when will the projects be completed (what date)? For example, my action plans include: by the end of April, schedule and announce 3 dates for my workshops; write and submit 2 articles by the end of May; put 12 speaking engagements on my calendar by April 30th; complete new CD products by June 30th. Each of these is a project, which will support my objectives and strategies.

So, there you have it...5 steps to turbocharging your success. Are these steps simple? Yes. Are they simplistic? Absolutely not! Writing plans is difficult. Quality thinking and writing take time. But don't worry about getting it "right", just get it in writing. It can be edited later, undoubtedly in 3 months it will be significantly different, and probably much better.

You and I have the ability to design our future, our lives, our success for as long as we can breathe and dream. By putting planning into the mix, you'll have the map and compass to reach your destinations and achieve your dreams far more quickly and better than you could have imagined. So, dream, plan, and move into your greatness!

copyright 2007 Lynnea Hagen and AbundanceCoaching.net

Submitted by:

Lynnea Hagen

Lynnea J. Hagen, MS, founder of http://www.abundancecoaching.net, and Hagen & Co. Consulting, works with motivated business professionals who want to create outstanding results in business and in life. Specializing in advanced leadership skills, and using various assessments, she supports and inspires her clients desire and deserve. For FREE resources, and tips on how to create abundance, visit http://www.abundancecoaching.net



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