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6 Sales Myths Busted - Articles SurfingThere are a lot of sales myths that not only diminish your chances of success, they also make selling more complicated and harder than necessary. Selling is, in fact, quite simple, provided you know, understand and apply some fundamentals. And you ignore sales myths. Here are 6 Sales Myths: Myth #1: Selling is a numbers game. The greater the quantity of prospects you're working on the higher your chances of success. Truth: Selling is only a numbers game if you want to waste time and money going after sales that have no chance of success. Selling is a qualified numbers game. The more qualified prospects you have, the more sales you'll make. It's not about the quantity of prospects but the quality. If prospects are qualified, they are already in the quality category. If you have a list of qualified prospects you're working on, chances are that a high percentage will turn into clients. Myth #2: Learn closing techniques as you need them to close the sale. Truth: Closing techniques are not necessary for closing sales. Closing techniques are not necessary to close sales unless, of course, you are into high-pressure selling (and if you are, I hope you're not one of my readers, as my style is not for you). Don't waste your time learning closing techniques. Instead, spend your time learning how to have a sales conversation which naturally leads to your prospect wanting to do business with you. The only "closing" you have to do is suggest the next step. Myth #3: There are natural born salespeople. Truth: Selling is a science, a learnable skill and process that anyone can learn. "Fast talkers" are often mistakenly thought of as natural born salespeople when, in fact, fast talking repels most people. Talking doesn't sell. Asking questions and listening does. Those who are doing very well at selling are often thought to be successful because they are natural born salespeople. Their "naturalness" has, in fact, been hard earned. They have spent a lot of time and effort learning and applying sales skills. Myth #4: If you improve your sales skills you will improve your sales results. Truth: This is what I call a 'half' myth. To improve your sales results, focus on improving your sales skills and also work on your thoughts and beliefs. Having sales skills is only part of the equation. No matter how good your sales skills are there will always be a ceiling on your sales results. The ceiling on your sales results is set by YOU because of your beliefs and thoughts (mindset). If you really want to lift the ceiling on your sales results learn the total equation of selling. Your sales skills plus your mindset determine your sales results. Myth #5: Focus on getting the sale. Truth: Focus on helping your prospect get what they want. If your focus and intention is on selling, selling, selling, you will repel, repel, repel. People don't like to be sold, and if you are focusing on selling, chances are high that your prospect will be looking for ways to quickly end the conversation. Instead have your focus and intention on having a conversation to understand if you can help your prospect get what they want. Do this and watch how they open up and listen to how you can help them. With your intent on helping people get what they want you will make more sales. Myth #6: Focus on selling your solution. Truth: Focus on selling the customer their end result. People don't care about your products, your services or your solution as that is not what they're buying. What they are buying is an end result. Your product, services and solution are simply the enabler - the method/process used to get their end result. This is a subtle distinction that will make all the difference to your sales approach and results. After reading these 6 Sales Myths and Truths, I request that you map out some action steps you can take now to apply or benefit from these truths. A few simple action steps based on these truths have the potential to dramatically improve your sales results. Try it and see. (c) 2007, Tessa Stowe, Sales Conversation. WANT TO USE THIS ARTICLE IN YOUR E-ZINE OR WEBSITE? Yes, you can, provided you make all links live and include this copyright and by-line below.
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