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7 Quick Tips To Save Time And Money Raising A Child And A Business - Articles Surfing

As a mother and entrepreneur do you run around your home simultaneously making oatmeal for your children, responding to e-mails, answering customer calls, and doing a load of laundry among other tasks? If so, it's time to stop and review your activities.

By making a few simple changes, you can grow your business faster, have more time, and most importantly, reduce stress. Here are a few quick tips from one Mom to another to help you get started:

1. Work ahead as much as possible.

Unexpected things happen all the time, and it's better to focus on these issues rather than panic about work that needs to be finished. My son had scarlet fever twice in twelve months. And with a child so sick, the first few days were very stressful. But because I didn*t have anything pressing with my company, I was able to take care of him without too much distraction.

2. Outsource things you can*t do as well as others.

This may not be the cheapest option, but often it is the best. The time it would take you to learn to do something that an expert can do instead needs to be counted as cost. Also think about the time being taken away from your child.

3. Trade your skill with someone who can do something for you.

Everyone is good at something so figure out your strengths and use them to your advantage. Find others who need your assistance and offer to trade services. For example, are you computer-savvy but short on time when it comes to meal preparation? You may want to offer a computer lesson or two to someone who can prepare a freezer meal for you.

4. Do the tough jobs first.

For some, the toughest task may be doing the laundry. For others, it might be answering customer e-mails. I find that doing the job I least enjoy first makes everything else easier. After all, no one likes to have a dreaded job hanging over their head all day.

5. Use your friends.

Coordinate with your friends to help each other out and share responsibilities when necessary. For example, one of my friends is going to night school. When she has a big test coming up, her son spends the afternoon with me. When I have something that needs my concentration, my son spends the afternoon with her.

6. Get Help From Your Kids.

Even very young children can help around the house. For instance, it's not difficult to take clothes out of the dryer and separate them to be folded or to set the table for meals. And older children can help with the business. This will also teach them the day-to-day activities that go into different jobs and give them an advantage when they start working on their own.

7. Find free stuff.

Look for no-cost products and services online to help you work more efficiently. After all, there are so many free things out there, we*re spoiled for choice. There are free e-mail services, blog sites, Web sites full of tips for making your business better, and activities and classes for your children.

Get Help and Go for it!

It can be a challenge to be a caring mother while growing a successful business. However, if you plan accordingly, find the right people, products and services to help you, and take advantage of the many free opportunities available, you can save time and money. Plus, you'll reduce your stress and be able to focus on the things most important to you.

Submitted by:

Jill Exler

Jill Exler is a mother and entrepreneur who gives self-published authors the opportunity to market their books cost-effectively via her business, jexbo (TM) at http://www.jexbo.com. jexbo also offers readers unique works and direct communications with authors. More details at http://www.jexbo.com.



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