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7 Types Of Sales Letters You Can Use To Improve Profit Margins - Articles SurfingWhile the main objective for sales letters does not change at all * and that's to encourage customers to avail of your products and services * there are different types of approaches you can use to make them more effective. 7 Types of Sales Letter You Can Use to Improve Profit Margins Introductory Sales Letters * This is perhaps the most discussed about type of sales letter in the Internet. This type of sales letter introduces your company to prospective customers. Readers may or may not know about you, but either way, they*re sure not to have bought from you, and your sales letter should tell them why it's time to change that fact. When writing this letter, keep it as brief as possible because they don*t know you well enough to believe that reading more than one page of your letter would do them any good. Product Update Sales Letters * This is mainly for old and existing sales customers. The primary thrust of this letter is to let them know about your latest product offerings and how they compare to previous items in your product line. Usually, sales letters of this ilk offer incentives as well for customers to buy during the promotional period. Make sure you include details about the expiration date for the promo period as well as information for ordering just in case they*ve forgotten how already. Selling Incentive Sales Letters * This type of sales letter is also for old and existing customers. Although you*re not offering them anything new to buy, you*re offering them the chance to purchase old or existing products and services for lower or better rates. There could be discounts, rebates, or other selling incentives. It could be a contest or any other promotion to encourage them to buy more and buy now. When writing this type of letter, it's important to make the incentive as exciting and attractive as possible. Secondly, emphasize the urgency. Selling incentives last for a brief period of time * it has to or you might go bankrupt * so make sure they understand that the clock's ticking away! Thank You Sales Letters * If it's the first time for any individual to avail of your products and services, always send them a thank you letter right after completing their purchases. You don*t have to do it and they know it. But you did it all the same and customers will always appreciate your efforts. It will also make them remember your website more easily. At the end of your letter, of course, make sure that you mention what other great products and services are awaiting them in your website upon their return. Holiday Sales Letters * Never let any important holiday in the year pass by without writing to your customers. Write to them one or two weeks before the holiday. Write the appropriate greetings then segue with explanations as to why your products or services could be a perfect gift for the celebrated holiday. If you have holiday promotional offers you definitely have to mention them in this letter. Company Celebration Sales Letters * These sales letters establish the fact that you think of your customers as part of your family, and that's why you include them in your celebrations. If this year marks the 60th year you are in business then make sure that you let your customers know this. Acknowledge the role they*ve played in your success and of course don*t forget to end the letter with an invitation to drop by your website in order to build stronger and longer lasting bonds. These letters also apply for any achievement, award, or recognition that has been bequeathed to your company. We Miss You Sales Letters * Your customer or order tracking software can usually alert you when a long period of time has elapsed since certain customers have dropped by or purchased from your website. Make sure to send them *we miss you* sales letters to these customers as well as customized information regarding your newest products and services that you*re sure they'll welcome based on data from their previous orders. These may take time to write, but it's an effort well-spent because it ensures that your customers will remember you - even when though much time has passed since their last visit * simply because you took the time to remember them as well.
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