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Happiness And Your Business - Articles Surfing

Many people don*t realize the effects of happiness on their ability to perform in their jobs, lives and maintaining an online business. We so often overlook the basic need for society to become attracted to those that have a predisposition towards being naturally happy in their everyday lives. So let's take a look at the benefits to being happy, how to overcome a life of unhappiness, and a step by step plan to begin a new life of *True* happiness and the benefits that this simple but sometimes unattainable little emotion can have on a productive and fulfilling outlook on life.

Nowadays everyone seems to desire a happier life, or maybe it's just come to the forefront of a lot of folks that they are not as happy as they think they should be. There are many fads being started to supplement the growing masses of happy seekers, book sales titled happiness are selling like hotcakes, which in turn inspires scientific studies, laughter clubs are springing up along with joyology workshops. Why are all these options to seek happiness popping out of the woodwork? Simple, Happy people thrive in society. Studies on happy people have shown they are more creative, productive, earn more money, attract more friends, enjoy better marriages, stay healthier and have a tendency to outlive those who are not happy. These reasons alone are attractive enough for most to seek out a more giggle filled existence.

Through thousands of studies done by happiness researchers, the conclusion is that happiness is measurable and buildable. If you are willing to take a chance on the upside of life and shoot for a happier lifestyle, in spite of the naysayers there is help to get you on track to finding humor in almost anything.

What really makes you happy? If you think the usual answers of health, wealth, education and good looks are your saviors of happiness, you will have to debate it with those who call themselves professional happy counselors. They say these things only bring somewhat greater happiness than those without these attributes or good fortunes. They say unless you are in the death bed or fighting some incurable disease, live in a cardboard box poor, you probably can only attribute these to only about 10 percent of your happiness quotient. The other 40 percent depends on the control you have over your happiness. Of course that only adds up to 50 percent, the other 50 percent can be attributed to genetics, which are responsible for half of the happy people on earth.

That is the quandary, most assume external influence is responsible for creating a wealth of happiness, winning the lotto, a better job, bigger house- will make us oh so happy. Of course these things can have a limited, temporary affect on our happiness, the thrill will eventually fade away like a gentle rainstorm. Sonja Lyubomirsky, PhD, author of The How of Happiness: A Scientific Approach to Getting the Life You Want. She stated *After 18 years of studying happiness, I fell into the same trap as everyone else, I was so excited to get a new car, a hybrid I*d wanted for a long time, but within two months, driving it became routine. Happiness is like weight loss. We all know how to take off a few pounds; the trick is maintaining it.*

Lyubomirsky, in her research says the key to enduring joy is to look beyond fleeting pleasures, to the other pillars of what is called authentic happiness: engagement with family, work or a passionate pursuit, and finding meaning from some higher purpose. *Different methods are a better fit for different people. It is a commitment to a daily attitude, not a sporadic every other day or week activity.* So it looks as if what all the gurus of network marketing say about being successful, is true, you have to care about the people to make it in this business, caring about the money will not create a successful network marketing business, if you care about the people you sponsor then you will see your financial windfall increase dramatically in the background.

Try to partake in activities that make you smile or laugh. Start dancing to the music, sing out loud, just be bold and go for it. If you have a friend who can make you laugh readily and easily, try hanging around them a little more. Try smiling at more things that you normally wouldn*t, before reading the comics put yourself in the mood, try smiling beforehand, the muscle memory automatically makes your mind *think* you are happy, it may sound corny but it works. Also try to not take things so seriously, the term *life is too short* is a perfect analogy, worrying about the little things can have a profound effect on your life, try to laugh at them instead.

Here's 10 Ways to Get You on Track to a New Smiling You

1) Be less virtual, more 3-D
You laugh much harder when you*re with other people in a theater than when you watch a movie at home.

2) Make a list
Make a list of things you are grateful for. Count your blessings.

3) Count em up
Think of all the positive things that happen to you during the day and keep track.

4) Think memorable not material.
Choose a family vacation over a new car.

5) Get funny
Watch movies that make you laugh, do things that will surely make you laugh.

6) Find a stress-free place
Think of a place where you are at your happiest.

7) Be an optimist
Always try to look at the bright side.

8) Be creative
Play music, write a book, and tinker with a car, whatever gets you engaged.

9) Acts of kindness
Thank people who have helped you. Give time, money to a good cause.

10) Live for Today
Seize the moment with sex in the afternoon, take someone out to lunch just do something unusual, a surprise can be beneficial to help with overall happiness.

Achieving happiness can be a chore for some, but it is something we can all learn. Putting some of these things into practice can make a world of difference in your life. If you find the equation is working the possibilities are endless and you may find an infusion of meaning into your life. More loving and consideration in your life will create an instant kickback in your ability to become successful and announce to everyone around you that you are here to make them happier!

Submitted by:

Scott Sharp

Scott Sharp is owner of http://BizzOps.org and writes on a variety of subjects. Scott invites you to email him for question anytime at bizzops66@gmail.com or visit his website at http://www.bizzops.org



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