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Hate Fighting Traffic? Look At Some Work At Home Franchises - Articles Surfing

What's the easiest way to turn a 50-hour a week job into a 60-hour a week job? Spend 2 hours a day in traffic. If you have a job where you have to drive to an office, especially in urban areas and on high traffic highways, chances are that you are adding an additional 5-15 hours a week to your job. That's 5-15 hours of unpaid, unproductive, and usually high stress hours that could be spend either increasing your profits or with your family and friends. Perhaps if you*ve had enough of the traffic wars it's time to consider starting your own work from home franchise. There are many options of profitable, affordable, traffic free, home-based business options. Listed below are eight great home franchise options to help cut the commute out of your business life. Expetec Technology Services

This is a home-based franchise that will allow you the ease of working online from your home office. The franchise owner is responsible for monitoring client's e-mails and following up on PC's laptop, and servers that are remotely monitored from the E-care Network operation's Center. If you have a knack for sales and marketing this is a great franchise opportunity for you. Many small and medium size businesses don*t have the time or resources to monitor their PC's or networks, so by necessity, they outsource those services. By providing those service with optional training for hand-on IT experts, or by referring certified IT experts for you to manage and send on calls as a part of your investment if simply running the business is more your thing. The total start up cost for Expetec franchises is $71,800-$121,500 depending on the market size of your area.

Royal Keys

Perhaps you are looking for a home-based franchise that is a little more personal than a corporate job. Royal Keys could be the rewarding and easy to start franchise. It provides you with both the profits you are desiring with a hands-on relationship building meaningful opportunity whose impact will last for generations to come. Royal Keys is dedicated to Teaching children the World of Kindness, Manners, and Self Esteem. This is a program for children that helps them through teaching, hand-on activities, and games, to put and end to lack of manners and to teach kindness, respect, confidence. They strive to help better society by banishing bullying from schools, workplaces, and communities. If this is something that strikes a chord in you, than a Royal Keys franchise could be the perfect combination of serving the community and creating a successful business. Royal Keys franchises require a Liquid Capital of $20,000 and a total investment of $23,550-$42,550.


As you consider the world of small businesses and franchises you should be aware that you are not alone. Every day over 2,000 Americans decide to go into business for themselves, according the U.S. Census Bureau. If you have a knack for leadership, business management, and are interested in starting your own work from home business perhaps providing an incredibly valuable service to others who are also starting the road of small business franchising might be right for you. OneCoach is a franchise that is dedicated to the support and coaching of small business owners. As a OneCoach franchise owner you would be helping the thousands of other Americans who are going into business for themselves, yet may lack the skills and knowledge essential to small business success that you will be able to provide them with. OneCoach offers extensive training and support, financial assistance, and can be started for a total investment of $100,000-$750,000.


Perhaps it's not so much the driving in general that you are opposed to but the necessity to drive at rush hour times when the world seems to be going to the same place, and coming home at the same time. DVDNow kiosks are automated DVD rental kiosks that provide movie viewers with the extremely convenient method of renting their movies without having to make additional trips to the video store. In traditional video stores 90% of all movies rented are new releases. The DVDNow kiosk allows you to provide the most profitable, most desirable, products without having to carry a large stock of less desirable older titles. Perhaps the best benefit of running a kiosk franchise business is that you can service these machines at the times you choose without having to battle large traffic volumes or a daily commute. A DVDNow kiosk franchise can be started for only $20,000, and DVDNow kiosks provide all the training, information, and support needed to create a successful business today.

Border Magic

Border Magic franchise owners understand that for many Americans their most valued possession is their home. Keeping it valuable and attractive is such a priority that they will spend over 44 billion dollars this year on landscaping. Border Magic delivers a beautiful yet functional concrete edging that has the look and feel of real brick or stone. The average project takes 4.64 hours and generates $1,450 income. With a local/national co-operative advertising effort the ease and efficiency of Border Magic franchises make them a very appealing option for the businessman or woman in the market for a new, fast-growing, home-based franchise opportunity.


If you are looking for a cutting edge technology based franchise that is a relatively low cost startup, then take a close look at MonitorClosely. The Monitor Closely franchise is a provider of the ever-growing market of digital surveillance systems. Whether in the world of small business protection, childcare monitoring, or home security in general, the ability to monitor and observe and room or area from any computer with internet access will provide the safety and security your customers are looking for. For a total Investment of only $4,900-$29,000 you can be on your way to having a home-based business that provides clients with this digital product without having to manage any inventory or employees. Comprehensive training is provided with four days of classroom style instruction followed by constant on-going support.

Mr. Sparky America's On Time Electrician

In a society where almost everything we have plugs into an outlet American's are constantly in need of electrical services. With your Mr. Sparky business franchise you will be a provider of this urgent home service need. Whether or not your specialty is as an electrician this home-based franchise could be the right one for you. With small teams handling a 30-100 call a day business in several states Mr. Sparky's franchises are run by a variety of positions, and hire a few well-trained employees who coordinate to form an efficient team of call handling, dispatching, and electrician services. This Franchise requires a Liquid Capital of $50,000 and promises that when their customers are in need they will not have to wait for this urgently desired and appreciated service.

Virtuoso Music

The Creators of the Virtuoso group of musical instructors and coordinators understand that when children and adults are involved with music, life takes on a richer, deeper quality. Music touches many people at their core, and for many others is a way to remove stress from other areas of life. As a Virtuoso Music franchise owner you will coordinate music lessons and other music related products and services in your customer's homes and other locations; in addition to coordinating musical bookings, recitals, festivals, community events, and performances. The Virtuoso franchise can be operated from a home office, and will become a valued and much needed aspect each community the franchise is owned and operated in. This franchise can be started and run for a total investment of $38,250 - $69,650.

Each of these businesses can be started and run without needing warehouses for inventory or office space for a staff or support team. So if you have had it with traffic turning your 9-5 into an 8am * 6:30pm day, then perhaps you should dig a little deeper into the world of home based business franchises.

Submitted by:

Candice Clem

Find work at home franchise opportunities and information for entrepreneurs at Home Based Business Opportunities.



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