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Help Your Boss Help You Get Training You Need - Articles Surfing

Do you and your boss really know how valuable you are or could be with proper training? Help your boss to help you to get the training you desire.

After all, training is one of the primary actions that your company enlists to improve performance, profitability and growth. Any way you slice it, more education increases the potential for higher earnings for all concerned.

1. Know Yourself: You can't rely on your company to discover the talents and value of every employee. Don't wait for your boss to solve the training quandary alone. Help your boss to help you and the company. Take charge.

You bring your own unique blend of expertise, experience and personality to your job. Your education has gone beyond puberty, pimples and public education. Begin by understanding yourself. Realistically appraise yourself on a regular basis in order to continuously learn and grow over time.

Analyze what are you doing today to ensure that you have a job tomorrow. Don't live day-by-day, hoping your job is still available tomorrow and wondering what you will do if it isn't? Predict your potential for earnings as well as corporate contributions with the skills you now possess. As Will Durant said, "Education is the progressive discovery of our own ignorance." ...

Consider your strengths as well as weaknesses. Many people, bosses included, assume that personal development is about addressing weaknesses. Not so. It's also about leveraging strengths. If you have acknowledged strengths, show your boss how you can take it to the next level.

To add to your arsenal, you can even go outside the organization for objective appraisals. Perhaps your boss is willing to pay for one or more evaluations.

Invest in the renown Myers-Briggs test which is part of several CMC seminars. In addition to helping you to determine how you behave as one of sixteen classic personality types, it will help you to answer fundamental questions about yourself including: Where is your source of energy? How do you perceive information? How do you make decisions? Do you prefer your lifestyle to be organized or flexible?

Or you can gain insights from Canadian Management Centre's DISC Survey test. It will help you to understand the degrees to which you are directive, contemplative, influencing and supportive.

2. Know Your Boss and the Company. Once this has been accomplished, you are ready to focus on the needs of your boss and corporation. Doing so will demonstrate how your training will be in their best interests.

Step into the shoes of your boss. Show the connection between the training experience, acquiring new skills and job success.

Correlate your training aspirations to company objectives productivity targets, quality aspirations, anticipated changes, regulatory demands and contribution to the company's bottom line. Press the right executive button by using Return on Investment (ROI) to justify your training investment.

3. Know Your Training Options. Now your are ready to consider the advantages of the training options available to you. Choose CMC's face-to-face classroom training when:

-You need instructor and peer interaction in order to properly learn the material
-You can be afford uninterrupted time away from the office or home
-Your performance needs to be measured, observed or evaluated by an instructor
-Travel costs will be low and possibly non-existent.

Can't afford to travel or to be dragged away for an extended period of time? Don't need a lot of interaction with instructors and other learners? CMC's online e-learning may be for you. Choosing this option can also reward you with:

- Personalized educational content;
Easy connections to relevant and enriching Web sites;
The flexibility to train yourself at your pace, at your favorite times of the day.

Sometimes the best solution will be a hybrid combination. Search for what is known in Japanese as dantotsu or "the best of the best". With CMC's blended learning you can mix a dab of one of more options into your training solution.

4. Put It All Together. Make the training you crave happen for you.

-You can't get what you want from your boss if you don't know what you want for yourself. Define your training needs.
-Convert the top priorities into training objectives.
-Action each objective, otherwise they will gather dust and go nowhere.
-Success comes from action. Do something today.
-Together with your boss, monitor and measure your success.

Avoid waking up one day wondering what's happened. Overdrafts are available for money from your bank. They aren't available when you are no longer valued by employers.

Learning is a continuous process, never to be neglected. Invest in yourself today.

Submitted by:

H. Mingail

With plenty of illustrations and examples, Harry Mingail delivers Project Management Training sessions that are practical, provide immediate value and have a positive and rewarding impact on the job.



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