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Here's A Disturbing Prediction For Both You And Your Mortgage Business - Articles Surfing

One year from now, many of you will be in exactly the same position as you are now. You'll have the same or similar job...you'll have the same friends...and, you'll have the same income.

Nothing will have changed for you at all. And, assuming you want things to change and want to improve, that's really a shame.

How can I make this disturbing prediction?

My experience with my mortgage mentoring students and the mortgage people I have trained has shown me this simple truth: Most folks in the Mortgage Business get stuck in a rut and are reluctant to invest money in their personal training and improvement, their marketing skills, and the tools to help them originate more loans.

They will spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars on advertising campaigns and yet balk at spending the dollars that are necessary to make those campaigns a success.

The Mortgage Business for the most part, is what I call, a self-help industry. In other words, there are very few mortgage companies that will assist you in improving and honing your sales skills, or sponsor your attendance at self-improvement courses and seminars, or recommend and then subsidize the purchase of your professional library, or provide you the necessary marketing tools and technology to implement your marketing programs successfully.

What you see offered in this industry, is what you get. Nothing!

In order to survive in the Mortgage Business, you need to take a lesson from the retailers at the corner of your street. They will re-invest a portion of their sales and purchase inventory so that the store remains well stocked. Or, the large manufacturer across town that takes a chunk of their sale dollars and re-invests in additional raw material and equipment to expand and grow their business. You need to make that kind of commitment as well. You need to take every opportunity to invest in improving yourself and your Mortgage Business.

Most Mortgage Professionals forget they are "building a business." We don't us words like "creating" a business, "producing" a business, or "constructing" a business. We are "building" a business because it's really a step by step process.

You are taking individual pieces and assembling them over time, to produce a successful final product. Building takes time. It takes patience. It takes commitment. It also takes a monetary investment. Keep your goal in front of you...you are building your business.

Take the following personal quiz and find out exactly where you stand. You're the only one that is keeping score:

( ) Yes, I subscribe and read at least two mortgage newsletters.

( ) Yes, I subscribe and actively participate in at least two on-line mortgage forums.

( ) Yes, I purchase and read either a bound book or an electronic book each month that helps me and my mortgage business.

( ) Yes, I'm usually involved in an evening or weekend course covering finance, credit, or self-improvement such as public speaking, memory improvement, etc.

( ) Yes, I review news sources daily to keep a breast of world affairs, current affairs and economic happenings.

( ) Yes, I purchase tools, programs, reports and information that can help me in my mortgage business.

( ) Yes, I have attended at least two mortgage seminars in the last twelve months.

( ) Yes, I work weekends on many occasions.

( ) Yes, I maintain a database of customers, contacts, and prospects and contact them on average, once a month.

( ) Yes, I originate mortgages full time.

( ) Yes, I have a personal home computer with mortgage origination software installed.

( ) Yes, I love the mortgage industry and want to improve my business.

If you placed 10 to 12 checks - Congratulations...you're on your way to being successful.

If you placed 7 to 9 checks - Good for you...you have a way to go. You can build your business faster by adding the areas you're missing.

If you placed 4 to 6 checks - You're falling behind others in the business and need to either re-commit or move on to another profession.

If you placed 0 to 3 checks - You're beyond help. You're not serious about the mortgage business. Please unsubscribe from this newsletter.

Remember, you are building your business. That means you're taking individual pieces and assembling them, over time, to produce a successful final product. Those who see the process through to completion will reap amazing rewards.

Submitted by:

Tom Domin

Tom Domin has over twenty-five years of experience in Real Estate and Mortgages. Tom has acted as a corporate mortgage trainer and currently is a Florida Licensed Mortgage Broker. Tom is the author of "Tom's Mortgage Tips" a twice monthly Mortgage Newsletter that is geared for Mortgage Professionals. You can sign-up by visiting http://www.mortgagemarketingtoolkit.com/



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