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H-F-L Team: Is It Time To Confirm Your Intentions? - Articles Surfing

As we press forward to achieving our Hundred-Fold-Life. We tend to loose site of the prize. We all know what we are working towards. We must take time to confirm or reconfirm our true intentions.

How do we do it?

I have an exercise that I have done with my Hundred-Fold-Life Team. I have also introduced it my family and friends. Many of you have heard of it or possibly have done it yourself. That's great if you have. Now is a good time to update it.

OK what is it?

It is referred to as an Intention Board.

It is a simple yet powerful exercise to visualize your needs, wants and intentions.

First of all you can make it a party atmosphere. Invite coworkers, employees, and or family members. If you are associated with a MLM group have them come too. This is a fun empowering exercise, so keep it fun.

Next, when you invite your guests have them bring magazines to the party. The best magazines are car, home decor, home furnishings, travel, fashion and financial magazines. Also sports magazines that you or they participate in such as golf skiing, and SCUBA publications. Also needed is scissors glue, "glue sticks work the best", poster board about 22" X 28" (55.9 cm X 71.1 cm). Have everyone spread out and get comfortable with room to work.

Explain the rules.

The rules are simple but important to follow. This is a personal exercise done for you. The only exception is for a couple like a married couple. Still even in a committed relationship we sometime have different personal goals. So it is okay to do your own.

Now this step is crucial.

You must be totally honest with yourself about what you want from life. Everyone must understand from the start to support one another and not judge what the other is doing.

Start cutting out pictures of what you want and what you want to achieve. Go ahead cut out that picture of that new Mercedes Benz, BMW, or Cadillac. If that is one of the things that your working for great. How about that new home? Do you want that mansion or that beach house go for it? Need a new computer for you home business find that perfect one for you. Is it an iMac or a Hewlett Packard? Don't forget playtime. I know I want those new Callaway golf clubs. Be specific in your choices. You want to have a crystal clear picture of what it is that you want or need. Do the kids need to go to college? Find a photo of a graduation ceremony.

I think you get the idea. When everyone is done you can share what's on your board. Remember to be supportive. Some of us have big dream big goals.

When you get home find a place for the board so that you will see it everyday. It will be a constant reminder of why you are working.

You will need to update it about once a year if things change it is easy to paste over something or add something.

Remember the Inspiration Board is there for well inspiration. You must take the next step daily. Act. Act on achieving your goals. You know better than I of what you need to do. So get out there and swing for the fences. You will be well on your way to achieving your Hundred-Fold-Life.

Submitted by:

Douglas Miller

Douglas Miller is a retired Fire Service Captain now making a living working at home. His company Hundred-Fold-Life is not just a name but also belief. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.ClixGo.com



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