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H-F-L-Team: Hassle Free Work From Home, Not! - Articles SurfingIf you are romanticizing about an easy life, working from home you need to take a hard look at the reality of doing such a thing. Your Hundred-Fold-Life maybe achieved through a home-based business, but it is a lot of work. Whoever came up with the idea that working from home was a hassle free kind of job obviously never tried it before! Often this is a person's first venture into running a business and with little or no experience in doing so. As a matter of fact, working from home not only has its own hassles, but many an entrepreneur has found them to be so insurmountable that their venture failed simply because as problems arise they have no plan to deal with them, and rely on trial and error to fix them. Yes it is great not be stuck in rush hour and thus have to leave your home before the crack of dawn. You can now get up grab a cup of coffee and commute down the hallway to your office. As you sit down with your greatest ally and tool who can for no good reason also turn into your greatest enemy; you computer! Computer crash routinely and while in the past you had the luxury of calling the IT department and you could simply move to another work station until the problem is fixed. Now working from home you are on your own! So you end up taking most of the day dismantling your cabling and then rewiring everything that you have done. Then the day is shot working away on the computer and not at the computer! Spending time on the phone dealing with the sometimes less than helpful individuals at the technical support number for your software or hardware components and before you know, you not only miss meeting your deadlines, and you have to ante up the money spent on a service call! What about your personal life? Working a regular 8 to 5 job you have clear understanding of the time between work and play. But with a home based business the game has changed. Your home based business has a way of bleeding over into your personal life and can be something of a bother to those who are single, but it presents a serious problem for those with families. It will appear to the outside world that you are available while in fact you are working. If you are attempting to work around children's schedules in particular, there is no end to the odd hours you will find yourself in front of the computer. Unfortunately, this will have a severe impact on your social life! You can work around it if say, you take some time off during the day to watch your kids sporting event, then you will need to replace those hours at night after the kids are in bed. So the tightrope-balancing act begins. In the beginning you will have to skip social engagements because of your work. Also if friends happen to drop by to visit, you will have to find a polite yet strong way of ushering them back out of your home. In the same way, a failure to define and set boundaries that exist between your professional and your personal lives will wreak havoc and leave you exhausted from trying to meet everyone's needs and failing to meet your own time and again. Your children may feel cheated out of playtime, your friends feel neglected, your believe that you are not putting as much undivided time, energy, and attention into your home based business as you should, and before long you may give up on your dream of working from home. After all of that you may find yourself longing for the hassle of the morning commute when you had the leisure of listening to your favorite radio morning show in peace and quiet without feeling guilty! So, the next time you see a website tout the myth about the hassle free work from home job; remember that now you know better! Have I scared you out of becoming a home-based business owner? I f the answer is NO then you may have what it takes to achieve and live your Hundred-Fold-Life through working at home.
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