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Hired Help In Your Coffee Shop - Articles Surfing

One of the tools you are going to need to operate your coffee shop are good employees. You don't want to just hire the first people that walk through the door. Hiring friends and family can create issues outside of the business so many people choose to steer clear of that as well. It is very important that you hire the best employees that will be friendly, offer quality service to customers, show up when they should, and be open to new ideas.

Your customers will suffer if you don't have enough employees or if they aren't doing their job correctly. Most customers have a specific level of expectations when they enter a place of business. If they don't think their needs have been met, they are going to think really hard before they come back in. Even if you offer the best tasting coffee in town, it often isn't going to be enough to make up for poor service.

If you can find qualified employees that have worked in a coffee shop before that is a nice advantage. However, don't be so fast to pass on those that haven't done so. They may have plenty of wonderful skills you can incorporate for your business. You need employees that are responsible, have great communication skills, and they are friendly. You can teach them everything else they need to know to do a good job for your business.

You will find that many people applying for a job at your coffee shop don't have too much experience in this area. Don't let that get you down though because there is a bright side to that picture. As long as they have many of these other traits, you can teach them the specifics of your business. If they don't have very much work experience, they also don't have a great deal of bad work habits that you have to weed out either.

The way in which you train your employees is going to affect how well they perform for you. It is amazing how many employers expect an employee to learn it all immediately but they don't put too much time into helping them learn it. There are plenty of different drinks to learn how to make and pieces of equipment to learn how to operate in a coffee shop. Don't leave your employees in the dark when it comes to how to do their job.

If you don't have a good training program in place for your employees, you will find your turnover rate is high. That means understaffed to meet the needs of your customers. It also means going through that application and interview process again and again. Employees that are well trained tend to feel confident that they can perform well on the job and they stick with it.

You will find everything about your coffee shop is smoother and better when you take the time to hire the best possible employees. You want them to find the job enjoyable and not just a place they have to go to make money. Give them plenty of incentives to stay working for you. If they have respect for you, they will make sure they give you plenty of notice when it is time for them to move on to other employment.

No one is able to effectively operate a coffee shop on their own. This means you are going to have to rely on the employees you hire to do a good job of helping you. Pay attention to their strengths so that you can assign them tasks that are a good match. Help them in areas where they have weak skills so that they will continue to offer quality assistance.

Submitted by:

Karyn Lewis

Karyn Lewis writes about the ups and downs of the coffee shop business. Avoid the rookie mistakes many new operators make when they start a coffee shop.



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