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Home Based Internet Marketing Business - Staying Organized In Your Home Office - Articles Surfing

When working from home there is nothing more frustrating than not being able to find things when you need them. While most home business entrepreneurs see themselves as never having any time, you have to spend some of your time to organize things. If you can't daily, you should at least try for once a week, you should set aside some time to put things where it should be. Allot of people have a saying that there is a spot for everything and everything must be in its assigned place.

Many individuals have to make the time to do jobs over, but never have the patience and time to do it correctly the first time. For example if they cannot locate a file they will make a new one, which would take a whole lot more time than the six seconds it may take to put it in the correct place to start with. Just being able to locate the staples when your need to refill the stapler can save a few precious minutes you that would have spent going through all the desk drawers or storage bins, or even worse you might end up going to the stationary store to purchase more, this could have been avoided if you simply knew where you stored the staples in the first place.

The amount of stationary supplies you store at home will all depend on the kind of business you're in as well as your financial budget. Try not to let your desk turn into a storage area for all of your stationary supplies. You can probably use an old bookcase or dresser to keep all you stationary supplies, while only keeping a small amount on your desk drawers or desk top. When you store supplies in the designated storage area, try to ensure that they are properly tagged and can be easily identified.

To keep the office running smoothly, try considering your desk as main point in the office. All the equipment that you frequently use should be within arms reach of your work station. If it is that you have to leave your desk to answer the telephone or to collect a fax, you are defiantly wasting precious minutes doing this. Documents that you are presently working on should be within easy reach, either in a filing cabinet close to your work station or in filing holder on your desk.

The best thing you can do is get all the files you plan to deal with on any particular work day and have them ready for work on at any given time during the course of the day. Files that you are not using should be filed away so that they can be found when you need them. While it can seem easier, try not to have your coffee pot near your desk, this is a very bad idea. One of the biggest reasons to avoid too much coffee is the damage caused by spills made by coffee at your work station. Everybody needs to take an occasional break from work, and having your coffee pot in another room can allow you an opportunity to stretch your legs. If you would like to know more on this topic check out the link below for "Dotcomology" the art of making money with your home business.

Submitted by:

Anderson Josiah

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