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Home Business Common Sense - Articles SurfingSeems like a funny idea for an article, Common Sense for HomeBusinesses ? But these are the basics that everyone needs if you EVER wantto make a profit online and still function at the same time.Last week you saw how Jane struggled to figure out how toexplain to her spouse on how she wants to start a business.Obviously Jane used the wrong approach.Remember in school, you learned how to write a PersuasiveEssay. The purpose of the essay was to persuade someone orsomething that your point of view is valid. So in essence when dealing with family is almost the same wayyou deal with a potential customer. You have to sell yourself The same way you would sell your business to a bank as the nextbest thing to sliced bread, sell yourself to your family.Stress the benefits. Think up some of the questions that youknow they will ask. No one knows your family better than you so you know what theywill ask.. 1. How much is this going to cost? What do you mean you aregoing to use our credit card for everything? Stick to your guns, if you feel passionately about startingyour business, then they will pick up that vibe and help youalong the way. Now don't think that it will always be smooth sailing. Even ifeveryone is behind you 100%, you can be your own worst enemy soyou have to make sure your fears are under control and yourinsecurities are not running your business. So what if someone has an idea similar to you. That doesn'tmean you should give up. Is there only one web host company outthere? Is there only one place to buy a domain name. Only onesoftware to create websites, graphics, etc? Of course, therewill always be competition. Even the mighty Bill Gates has tons of competition. I don't seemany of them giving up, no they keep on going.Stick with what you can handle, don't over burden yourself.Frustration can be your biggest enemy. Don't let it bring youto a point that you can't come out from under all thatnegativity. Dealing With Your ChildrenThis is a big adjustment for children. My kids were glad to seeme back at home but couldn't understand why I spent all daylooking at the computer hitting a bunch of keys.I started 4 years ago with no knowledge of life online. Mydaughters were 5 and 4 years old. The would tell theirfriends.. "Mommy makes money with her computer but I don't know how shemakes the checks come out of the computer so she can getpaid??" But now they are 8 and 9 years old. They know exactly what I doand how much work it takes to get it done. Now that they knowthe basics of the computer, I had an old computer, I set thatone up next to mine so they feel that they are doing somethingworthwhile as well.They know when I have business calls to make, they stay quietlyin one room and unless its an emergency will they ask forsomething. I used to joke and say "Unless the house in on fire, don't askfor anything until I am off the phone."Now they want to learn all about having their own businessonline. This is where a lot of discipline comes in.What I mean by discipline I mean that you have to get yourchildren used to the idea that while you are home, computertime means that you can't be disturbed.Keep them occupied in the meantime. Have loads of games readyfor them to play. Books, activities, video tapes.They are children but they need to understand why you are doingwhat you do. You can't just say, Everyone shut up I am on the computer.They may look at you like you are crazy. As children get older,they want to find out why you are on the computer. Once theyunderstand they are more tolerable to respect your wishes.Gradually they will learn to stay relatively quiet during yourbusiness hours. The days of "Because I said so" doesn't always work with kidsof today. They want to know why. The interesting thing about this is once you figure out how tosell yourself and how to get your spouse and children tounderstand YOU and understand why you have your own business,then you can use these same principles to: Get a business loan or convince any other company that yourbusiness would be an asset to theirs (think partnerships, jointventures) Deal with irate customers (you will already have the answers totheir questions and be able to calm them down so they stay acustomer) Deal with your employees (teach them how to be team players.You will know what makes them feel better as employees, learnwhat motivates your employees so they actually show up day today and appreciate working for you.) Earn a better relationship with all your customers. (don'tthink of them as just people with valid credit cards, butpeople who have thoughts and feelings and you will learn how todeal with each one accordingly. Nothing beats personalizedservices.) So once you have your bases covered, it is now up to you tomake that success. When you can get those obstacles out of theway, things seem much brighter. How long does it take? Depends on you and your situation. Weall have different situations so make a time line, write yourdaily goals and keep up the hope. Don't wait until years later to say "I wish I did this and Iwish I did that" Copyright (c) KDM Publishing
Copyright © 1995 - 2024 Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved). |
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