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Home Business Ideas - Press Release Secrets - Articles Surfing

Getting the press to write an article about you or your business is one of the best marketing tools around, and it's free! That is, it won't cost you any cash, but if you want your news release to blossom into a full blown article, you'll have to pay a price: write a killer release. So what are the secrets? Let's break them down into 2 categories: to do and not to do. Negative first, so we can end on a positive note.

1. Do not call a member of the press, a member of the press. The term 'press' is now thought of as a negative term. Therefore when you begin your release, do not write 'Press Release" at the top of the paper. Instead write 'News Release' in a large font in the center of the page. It's much friendlier.

2. Do not refer to yourself as a writer, ever, even if you are. They think they are the only real writers. People who work for the paper think of themselves as highly regarded and a killer secret is to let them continue thinking that. The first way to gain their attention is to appeal to their ego. If they do respond to your release with a call or even if they want to meet with you, remember to treat them very well. Many times you will find them late, or very late. As far as you are concerned, that's just fine and you appreciate that they even showed up.

3. Do not call them, ever. There is no good reason to call them, unless they specifically ask you to, personally. They are very busy and calling to check if they got your fax or if they are going to please write an article on you is a big no-no. They will not write an article, and will most likely remember you, and not write an article the next time you send them a release either.

Now that we have covered what you do not want to do when having a press release written, we need to cover what you need to do. For optimum results, the press release should be written a certain way and convey a certain message. The do's of a press release are as follows:

1. Do follow a strict format when writing your release. If your release is time sensitive and is only valid for a brief time, write 'for immediate release' on the second line. If time is not much of an issue, then write 'for release at will'. This gives a longer life to your release and if it gets pushed aside for a bigger more newsworthy story today, then it may get used on a slower news day. And don't take it personally, this is free advertising, so be grateful for what you do get.

2. Do keep it short and sweet. No paragraph should be longer than 2 sentences. A one sentence paragraph is fine. Try to keep your release to one page if possible. Make your opening line a great short one that makes the reader interested. Make their job as easy as possible.

3. Do send subsequent releases. Plan on having a communication plan that spans at least 3 months, but 6 or 8 months is better. Find something noteworthy to send a release about every month. Yes, every month. You will probably not get an article written about you every single month, but the more times clients see your name the better. In fact people have to see or read something 3 times to remember it.

Submitted by:

David Ogden

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