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Article Surfing ArchiveMedical Billing Scams! - Articles SurfingOn the back cover of one of my favorite magazines is a very deceptive Ad. An Advert recruiting Home Based Medical Billing Trainee's. They offer immediate training and instant job placement after graduation. Plus, they insure you that their exceptionally talented students earn thousands per week after graduating from their program. This is the norm: even without any prior Medical Billing Experience! Time For A Reality Check! Too many people online and offline fall for similar legitimate sounding SCAMS! Here's their favorite recruitment pitch: Doctor's and Medical Centers are experiencing difficulties attracting qualified workers in the Medical Billing Field. They are actively seeking trained individuals to assist with the often complicated task billing third parties for payment. They need home based employees(like you) to fill the void. The Real Deal: The FTC warns consumers these companies are really in the software selling trade. In fact, the Federal Trade Commission charged numerous Medical Billing Promoters with misrepresenting the facts. The FTC watch dogs note you will actually receive pre-packaged outdated medical billing software, instruction manuals, and a list of medical centers, doctor's offices for your payment. The companies fail to inform you most medical centers or doctor offices process their own third party billing. Or they might out source to large established firms in the industry. I queried a local medical center. Their representative stated they never out source the center's medical billing work. Period! Up close: Even more misleading is their customer list! Usually, an outdated list of doctors in the community. And anyone working in the Medical Billing Field will note the software is outdated, and does not meet industry codes. Additionally, they fail to tell you one of the most important details: You need up-to-date training in complex medical coding and medical terminology. This would take at least several rigorous months of study. You also need to stay current on the changing laws concerning Medicare, Medicaid, and other Insurance Plans. Along with other billing information you must know in this highly specialized and complicated field. Avoid getting scammed! Realize the majority of these promoters are really marketing pre-packaged out dated medical billing software and instruction material. Realize it is practically impossible to start a business at home in this complex field unless you have extensive training plus worked for a hospital, or doctor's office for several years. Experience is the key in this field! If you are serious about a career in Medical Billing and insist on contacting one of these companies think twice! Instead contact local Community Colleges, Accredited Schools or Universities to determine if they offer a Medical Billing course. You might also try contacting American Association Of Medical Billers for info on training and certification requirements. American Association Of Medical Billers http://billers.com/aamb/index.html by BB Lee (C)2005
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