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Article Surfing ArchiveMessages From The Investment World's Dark Regions - Articles SurfingAs investors soon realize, inevitable financial pitfalls come their way. For some, it may be easy to become discouraged and therefore accept the negative outcome on certain types of investments. Humor can help restore an investor's confidence. Here are a few phrases and short stories to help in our therapeutic recovery of short term distractions. If at first you succeed in picking a profitable stock, quit if you enjoy the perfect record. Education costs thousands of dollars, try spelling money without one. Bad news in the stock market travels very fast; good news travel varies. Cheese is not served when you whine about the market. I used to have a big nest egg, it hatched to give me children. Trust your gut, it's upsetting when your investments turn into losses. Don't feed the bears when you can watch the bulls graze. The other investment provides you with better returns until you invest in it. A wealthy woman has a lazy son and he refuses to take a job. If he inherits her estate, he will finally have to work hard just to keep it. Weekends and national holidays generally provide my portfolio with its best returns. Inflation must be in high demand, everyone uses it and it keeps costing more. Every investment carries with it a unique risk/reward relationship. But then all do. Be sure to put brackets around your losses, that way you can just ignore them. Light travels faster than sound. That's why bright investment gurus have trouble verbalizing profitable ideas. With your taxes in a higher bracket, it can't all be negative. I dream, you dream, we all dream for more green. The market's way of expressing remorse is to give you accidental and unsubstantiated gains. Expect higher costs the wealthier you become. Money doesn't buy happiness, but it does a good job of selling sadness. With proper diversification, you're portfolio will be driven to provide you with at least one failure. Pessimism and optimism will always try to distract the educated investor. If you can count to infinity, you might have the stamina to invest in the stock market. Playing with a cub in the bear cave may provide short term entertainment but long term consequences. Riding the bull market requires a strong back and head. Market gains may remind some investors of vacations; they don't get to take many. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently determined the maximum safety load for news programs broadcasting the opinions of television analysts: NONE. A prophet may predict the future, but a profit predicts the present. With the above statements, you are encouraged to draw your own opinions from the dark regions of the investment world. Do not allow short term distractions to dampen your game plan. Instead, make some room for humor to get you through the tough times. When it comes to comprehensive financial planning, every person has his/her own unique risk tolerances, goals, and time horizons. And remember, it is important to remain educated so the proper path can be charted with your savings.
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