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Model Advice and Glamor Modeling Career Tips: How Do I Get Into Glamour Modeling? - Articles Surfing

Aspiring models often ask us, "How do I get into modeling?" or "How do I get started in modeling?" This article discusses the various types of modeling, and what it takes to make it in this challenging yet fun profession. You will also find some useful tips an advice on how to get started in teen modeling.

What are the different types of modeling?

There are basically five (5) different types of modeling. These are the broadest categories, with newer but smaller categories evolving all the time. Furthermore, these categories also overlap with each other at times.

1. COMMERCIAL MODELING (Television, Catalogs and Print-Ads):

Commercial models help promote products and services through ads in the electronic media such as Television and the Internet as well as through Print Advertising. They appear in commercials/ads, on product packaging, in magazines, on billboards, etc., and help promote all kinds of products and services ranging from computer equipment to medicines, apparel, shoes and cosmetics. This is by far the largest modeling and teen modeling category.

General Requirements for Commercial Modeling:

Contrary to popular belief, many successful commercial models look like normal, everyday people. If they walked past you on the street in normal everyday clothes and with little or no makeup, you would probably not look at them twice. However, what they do possess is the ability to express an emotion, and the ability to replicate that same look time and again. For starters, you can start practicing your best looks and poses in front of a mirror. Many successful models do 15 minutes of "mirror work" every day. Practice evoking different types of emotions through your expressions.

The ability to show different expressions, to be able to hold that expression so that the photographer can take multiple shots at different camera exposure settings, and the ability to create that expression again "at will" are all very useful qualities. The good news is that these qualities and talents can be developed. Good commercial models are also usually photogenic, but exceptions abound. Having a unique or "different" look is good but often not an absolute necessity. Personality, likeability (that the advertisers' audience or target market can relate to), being internally happy (i.e., liking yourself - because it does show through in your images) and being able to work long hours while at the same time enjoying the process are other attributes that successful commercial models seem to possess.

Most pictures on magazine covers are touched up and air-brushed on the computer for hours (called digital editing) to create the right look. If you have reasonably good features, a great photographer can make you look like a superstar! Remember, the glamorous superstars don't always look that way in real life. The real "magic" is in the camera, makeup and digital editing.

2. PROMOTIONAL MODELING (Tradeshows, Retail, Car Shows, Events, etc.):

Promotional modeling includes work at Tradeshows and Conventions, handing out Product Samples in Retail Stores, helping promote products or services at Car Shows, Boat Shows, Events, etc. What differentiates Promotional Modeling from Commercial Modeling above is the fact that for Promotional Modeling you have to be there in person, because you yourself (not your photo or video) are doing the promoting. While it may not appear as glamorous as Commercial Modeling, it can provide good income opportunities, and the jobs are usually easier to get. Creative forms of Promotional Marketing (often referred to as *Buzz Marketing*) and Event Marketing are gaining fast in popularity. It seems to be a high-growth area, and compensation seems to be improving too.

General Requirements for Promotional Modeling:

Promotional Modeling is about overall personality, interpersonal skills, being able to establish a quick rapport, and staying focused on the task at hand. You may meet a lot of different people, albeit each very briefly. If you thrive on meeting people and enjoy the hustle and bustle of a tradeshow environment, Promotional Modeling is usually easier to break into than Commercial Modeling, although exceptions are always there. Even though the job is not primarily about being photographed, you'll still want to look and act your best. Promotional/Event Modeling is a growing field.

3. FASHION MODELING (includes Runway, Fashion Shows, etc.):

Fashion models help launch new products and designs such as in apparel, accessories, shoes, jewelry, swimwear, beachwear, etc. The walk the runway in fashion shows. Many large fashion shows also get media coverage, and a good fashion model can get print exposure in leading fashion magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan, Glamour, etc. Similarly, if a fashion show is being covered by the broadcast media, there is a chance that you may appear on Television too. Many industry-specific fashion shows such as shows for apparel and swimwear can hire hundreds or thousands of models at a time.

General Requirements for Fashion Modeling:

Up until a few years ago, a height of at least 5 feet 9 inches was considered pretty much a requirement for Fashion Modeling * especially for the Runway (where you walk up and down a Runway, wearing clothes of a certain brand and/or designer). However, that is fast changing. Now, there are Fashion/Runway shows for pretty much all body types. If you feel good about your body, can walk confidently, and look reasonably good, chances are that you can find some opportunities in Fashion Modeling. For certain apparel and swimwear shows, a good well-proportioned body is more important than just height alone. Since, the shows can require hundreds of models per day (and there are just so many really tall good looking models around), you probably have a good chance of being selected as long as the overall body proportion is in line with what the manufacturer's product line is. Then, of course, there are apparel and swimwear manufacturers who make clothes for petites and plus-sized customers as well.

4. INTERNET MODELING (web-sites, live webcam, etc.):

Internet modeling, whether it is for static content on web-sites or for live webcam or streaming video is a popular segment. Generally, you have to be over 18 years of age.


Photographers hire models all the time, either to build their own portfolios or to create content for Licensing to others and/or for Stock-Photo purposes. The PhotoShoot can be either a paid shoot (where the model gets paid either on an hourly basis or a flat fee) or TFP (trade Time for Prints), or TFCD (trade Time for CD-ROM images). In the TFP or TFCD arrangement no money changes hands. It is just a trade or swap. The photographer invests his/her time, expertise and equipment, and the model invests his/her time. Thus, they can create some content together that both parties can use to further their own professional goals, respectively. Stock Photo Agencies sometimes commission a photographer to take certain pictures that can then be sold or licensed to different companies for use in advertising and marketing materials.

As you can see, there are myriad opportunities in the modeling world. However, it is hard work. Like most other things in life, there is no guarantee of success. It depends on your looks, luck, demeanor, personality, hard work, perseverance, and a burning desire to succeed, among other things.

Others before you have made it big in modeling, and you probably can too! A good first step would be to create your free Portfolio on the Joy Of Modeling website (http://www.joyofmodeling.com/) and on as many other modeling websites as conveniently possible. Contact local modeling agencies. Have a Professional Photographer shoot a nice Portfolio. Attend modeling shows and seminars. Learn about the business. Notice what is working and what's not, and take corrective action. Good luck and best wishes.

The fast-loading Joy Of Modeling website is a popular job searching and referral place for models, photographers, videographers, film makers,*agencies, actors, actresses and reps. It is also a resource for talent scouts and recruiters looking to hire for television, film, theater, dancing and entertainment jobs. Aspiring models, actors and actresses looking for their big break have a free opportunity for worldwide exposure at the Joy Of Modeling website. It is a family-friendly site (no nudity, porn, profanity or violence), and has separate sections for grown-ups and kids. The site also offers Free Gifts and/or a Free Shopping spree to its Gold Level members.

Whether you are searching for Models or for Modeling Jobs, please do visit the Joy Of Modeling website (www.JoyOfModeling.com) today. Thank you.

Submitted by:

Alex Joy

Alex Joy is a well-respected Professional Photographer in South Florida, USA.

Article Copyright © 2006, AFPI / http://www.JoyOfModeling.com. Author allows you to distribute this article freely, in its original unedited form, as long as credit is given to the author, and a link back to the author's website is provided.



Copyright © 1995 - Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved).


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