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Article Surfing ArchiveMonday Mindfulness - Articles SurfingTable of Contents Welcome to Monday Morning Mindfulness . . . to my clients, colleagues andfriends. Join me every other Monday in getting motivated and inspired toact/think/feel differently. 1. ON SPECIAL OFFERS AND INVITATIONS Would you like to be more successful with your business? Scroll down the page and listen to an audio message from Coach Sandra. http://www.schrift.com/welcome.htm Would you like to be a paid speaker? Learn how to connect with your audience? Persuade people to act on what you say? You can get answers to these questions and more at: Approach the Coach. Go to http://www.schrift.com/approach and ask me your number-one question about speaking skills or speaking professionally. I will answer your questions by email within 48 hours. What if you could have two coaches sitting by your side and guide you through the skill of speaking confidently and persuasively ? Now you can. An Audio CD , Power Presentations for Professionals, will help you master a few simple, yet sophisticated strategies. Do you want to learn how togive a compelling speech? Would you like to know what sets leaders apart?Are you ready to prepare a speech that hits your audiences hot buttons? In this audio CD, two professional speech coaches share the lessons they've learned from their combined 46 years in the field. High content and usefulapplication for business professionals, emerging speakers and coaches. For full description and to order.http://www.schrift.com/Power_Presentations_for_Professionals (available as a CD or MP3 download) 2. ON OUR DREAM that something miraculous will happen The Coach asks . . . what am I looking for? It could be right here maybe I have it? 3. ON SINCERITY Professor Dacher Keltner did a study which indicates that the British have a more sincere, hard-to-fake smile than Americans. They are more likely to raise their cheeks when they smile, revealing the crows feet at the corners of their eyes. The smile doesnt fill our stomach, but you can take it to work and bring it to the platform. It will reduce our stress and that of others, help make an instant connection with people and provide an environment where anger is reduced an learning is increased.The Coach sings . . .When youre smilin, the whole world smiles with you. 4. ON THE WAITRESS MENTALITY CEO, Carolyn Gable, www.newagetransportation.com who was formerly a waitress, learned how to get along with the bartender, the cook and everyone else to go home with money in her pocket. She brings that attitude to her business keeps her employees, customers, and bank happy. She also learns this from her truckload of children (total 7). That really great feeling when you can see your child start to read is similar to seeing your employee whos been struggling finally get it. She draws several parallels between her children and her employees. 1. Never take clients (children) for granted. The Coach thinks . . . a heavy dose of optimism and sunny disposition is a great formula for personal and professional success. 5. ON IMPACT Neale Donald Walsch, author of bestseller "Conversations with God: an Uncommon Dialogue, creates a fresh perspective on conversing with God. As a speaker, he engages his audiences with his light, humorous writing style and makes his heavy material palatable. Walschs impact is so big because he makes skillful use of modern communication tools. The former radio reporter and amateur actor knows that it is not only the content of a message that is important, but the delivery as well.The Coach sez . . .if you need some help on being a better public speaker now, go to: http://www.schrift.com/Power_Presentations_for_Professionals/ 6. ON USEFUL WEBSITES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Visit my new Blog (an online journal) at www.schrift.com/blog Learn about the benefits of having a niche, Feel the Fear . . . and Speak Up!, and Ten Tips to Motivate Your Audience in to Action and on to Your Website. Tell me what you think . . . and add your own comments. "Speak Like a Pro for Profit": Struggling to get clients? Want to have a full speaking calendar? This e-book contains proven tips and techniques to become a polished presenter to speak effectively to anyone, anywhere, with confidence. I wrote this for speakers, coaches, authors and businessprofessionals who want to deliver masterful presentations and/or grow a profitable speaking business. Only $8.95. Go to http://www.schrift.com/speaklikeaproforprofit/index.htm for details."This book provides practical and sound advice. I have worked with Sandra and find her knowledge and guidance invaluable." --Dr. Christine Wood, Pediatrician, speaker, author Download reports to help you with your public speaking skillshttp://www.schrift.com/tips.htm Are you looking for an effective spam killer? Test drive it at:http://www.cloudmark.com/desktop/ Here is a very valuable online color chart:http://www.flagdist.com/PMS%20color%20chart.htm Lets meet in; Denver, May 9-13; Phoenix, AZ, May 21-23; Palo Alto, CA, June 20-28. When you are visiting San Diego, contact me,sandra@schrift.com Lets share conversation.
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