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Article Surfing ArchiveMortgage Leads for New Loan Officers - Articles SurfingIf you are a loan officer and you are new to the business, one thing you may be short on is leads. Leads can be obtained in many ways. Through customer referrals, networking groups, family members, friends, etc. However, for a new loan officer, you may need to jump start your business, and investing with a mortgage lead company may be the way to go. You probably haven*t heard many good things about mortgage lead companies. However, there are some good ones out there. And if you take your time and do your research, you may just find the right one for you. Here are a few things to avoid: Avoid the mortgage lead companies that recycle their leads. Recycling means they sell them over and over again. So, most likely these leads have gone through the hands of dozens of loan officers before reaching your desk, so steer clear. Stay away from lead companies that buy their leads from third party companies than sell them to loan officers at a profit. You never know how many times those third party companies sold those leads to other mortgage lead companies. In the beginning, your budget may be a little bit tight, so look for lead companies that allow for a low minimum deposit. Also, look for lead companies that obtain their leads through sites they own and operate on their own. This is always a good indication that the lead is of good quality. And look for lead companies that sell real time mortgage leads, and/or sell them exclusively. When you buy your leads exclusively you can cut out your competition. Real time leads are also known as fresh leads, so they are hot off the press once you receive them. With real time leads your closure ratio will be much higher and the return on your investment will be that much better. And why shouldn*t it be? You work hard for your money.
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