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Article Surfing ArchiveMove On With A Quick House Sale - Articles SurfingDespite all the television programmes and newspaper and magazine articles on the housing market, not all houses are in perfect, saleable condition, and not all home owners can afford to spend money on their property in order to sell. This can make it difficult, if not impossible, to sell your property, particularly in the current housing market, where buyers* expectations in terms of fittings and finishes are high. If you need to move, but your home needs work and you don*t have the time or the money to invest, then consider selling through a specialist buyer. Even if you*ve had your home on the market for some time, but with no success, it pays to talk to a professional company which specialises in buying homes quickly and at a fair valuation. They can help you sell your house quickly so that you can move on. How does specialist buying work? A specialist buyer's role is to offer you a fair cash price for your home and to complete that sale in the shortest possible time, allowing you to get on with buying another property, clearing your debts, or whatever plans you have. The process is simple, straightforward and speedy and usually follows these steps: * Contact a specialist buyer * Explain your current situation * Ask for a valuation based on house type and location * May visit your home to check the valuation is accurate * Handle all legal contracts and paperwork * Complete sale quickly and efficiently * Work to your timetable * You can rent your property from the buyer, so you don*t have to move Once you*ve contacted your buyer, the process can take as little or as much time as you need. For example, if you are in danger of repossession, you may be able to arrange a sale in less than seven days. On the other hand, if you will not be ready to move out of your home for another month, the specialist buyer can accommodate that too.
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