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Article Surfing ArchiveNetwork Marketing Strategy * What Do You Really Know About Network Marketing? - Articles SurfingNetwork Marketing has been amongst us for over twenty years and does not appear to be slowing down any time soon. Everybody has heard the term thousands of times and maybe even thought of getting involved in to earn lots of money. But do you truly understand the idea of Network Marketing? Network Marketing is one of if not the quickest growing businesses concept today. This idea was popular in the 1980's but then got a great deal of negative publicity in the 1990's but was then able to overcome allot of it and regained all of its respectability and status and is at present moving into the twenty first century even stronger than before. In the early days many individuals confused Network marketing with that of Pyramids Schemes and just wrote it of as being a BIG SCAM. Actually Pyramids are illegal. The easiest and quickest ways to find out if something is a Pyramid Scheme ask this question; what are the goods or service that is being provided and where is it going? There must be a physical good or service that moves from the supplier to customer. Network Marketing is one of the only business ideas that can allow an individual with a limited amount of money to start their own business with nearly no limit to the amount of money that they can be earned. This is a snapshot of how this program works. When you are In Network Marketing you own you own business, you purchase goods and services at a wholesale price from your supplier, you can then use these products yourself or sell it to family and friends at retail prices to earn a commission but this isn't the only way that you can earn money. The thing that allows Network Marketing to be so incredibly successful is from building downlines. How this system operates is that when your downline (individuals you recruit into the program) buy products to re-sell you earn commissions on all of there sales. Allot of programs even go as far as allowing you to earn profits on your downlines' recruitee's (downline) as you can see there are simply no limit to the possibilities. You can earn commissions sometimes 4 levels deep. So eventually you don't have to totally focus on your personal sales but on bringing in others that will do that for you. Most Network Marketing Programs have training courses for all of there recruits so you learn exactly how to build a profitable company. When you start building your downline you are really building a worker force to help you grow and build your own business. From just one single recruit you can grow it into hundreds maybe even thousands of individuals with each one pointing back at you, remember as they move goods you make money. A great deal of people think that all they need to do is just join, allow their downline do everything and just sit back and collect fat commission checks at month end. Network marketing isn't a get rich quick program, to be successful you need to work hard and put in allot of effort, you also need to motivate and help your downline. Just decide to make up your mind to work hard at it and there is simply no limit to the commissions you can make. If you would like to know more on this topic check the link below of out *Dotcomology* the art of making money with your home business.
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