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Article Surfing ArchiveNew Years Resolutions And Branding - Articles SurfingHappy NEW YEAR!!!!! I hope you rang in the New Year with your loved ones and I pray that you had a wonderful time doing it. As the New Year approaches, how do you plan to take your business to new heights? Will you cut out unproductive products, services, and marketing tactics? Will you finally have set hours? Will you advertise more and where? Will you hire extra help so you can concentrate on more important tasks? What ever your goals are, make sure you take a week (maybe even a month) to contemplate the direction of your new business, do a little research, determine where you*ve been and where you want to go, and then actually write down a new business plan. If you haven*t already done so, it's also a good time to carve out a brand for your business. What does your business promise its customers? What one thing can your customers be sure to receive when they come to your business? What makes your business stand out from your competitors? What do you offer that is different and/or unique? How can you capitalize on that? Once you*ve determined your brand, it's time to revamp your marketing materials to convey your brand. After all, your brand is your business identity. To help you gain a little focus on determining your brand, think about these great companies: Nike**What is Nike about? How can you identity shoes and/or products that belong to Nike? Coca-Cola**How does it differentiate itself from Pepsi? Why is the color red always used? Microsoft* Word*Other than being the uniform software program for PC's what makes this the better writing program? What has Microsoft* done to build name recognition? Amazon**Why is it the largest online bookstore? What makes Amazon better when buying books online? As you contemplate these questions, you'll be better prepared to help develop a brand for your company. By Alyice Edrich Publishing Guidelines: Permission to reprint the following article, at no charge, is granted under the following conditions. Content may not be altered, changed, or edited without author's permission. The byline must remain in tact and as written. The Dabbling Mum web address must be a clickable link in any online publication. A courtesy copy for author's records would be appreciated. The author, Alyice Edrich, retains copyrights to all articles. * This article may also be read on radio shows as long as the author and website are given credit. NOT ALLOWED: We do not allow our articles or interviews to be used in any form of compilation, such as a book, e-book, e-course, course, CD-ROM, audio-cassette, lecture, report, etc. without proper monetary compensation to author.
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