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Article Surfing ArchiveNo More Gold Watches - Articles SurfingWhen people from my grandfather's generation retired after being with a company for decades they got gold watches. Gold watches no longer exist as far as companies are concerned. Now companies give out pink slips (a.k.a. their walking papers) after 25 years of service. We are living in a different world but it is humorous to me in a way. Companies no longer have loyalty to those employees that have been loyal to them for years and years of service. When it is clear that companies no longer care about their employees in most cases, it is funny to me when the management of a company gets upset when the employees are no longer loyal to them either. They still expect the employees to be loyal without giving it in return. The same applies for customers. They get upset when a customer of 25 years leaves for a company just because of a cheaper price. I have said in a previous article that I work for Liberty Mutual Insurance. Since I have gotten in the department I am in now, which is Personal Sales, I have seen some very good employees either forced out the door or forced into taking demotions. The new management comes in and decides they want their own people in place. They either eliminate positions to get some people out the door or they just *performance manage* them out the door. I am not singling out Liberty Mutual by any means. In fact, I suspect other companies are even worse because Liberty has historically been a very conservative company. Other more aggressive companies are probably laying even more people off, or pushing more people out the doors so they can replace them with *their* people who are younger and cheaper. I am also not saying that some of the older people do not deserve to move on. Some people I have managed over the last year and a half in this department just do not want to be here and they make it obvious. They continue to do things the way they have always done it. They make little effort to learn new technologies and procedures to keep up with the changing business world and customer's demands. These people are not the ones I am referring to in this article. I am referring to the people who are on top of their game, still making a significant contribution to the company and they are just forced out because management does not like them. I think Liberty Mutual is one of the last companies that still has a large population of employees who have worked their whole career for the company. I also think this is not going to be the case five or ten years down the road. It is a shame that business has become so ruthless and does not care about the employees any longer.
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