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Which Credit Bureau Should I Use To Check My Credit Report? - Articles SurfingThere are three main credit bureaus in the United States; Equifax, Experian and Trans Union. Each bureau collects your personal and financial information which is then sold to lenders such as banks, credit unions, credit card companies, mortgage and auto loan lenders. Your credit report is the product of this collected information. Lending and credit companies use your credit information to determine if they will approve you or not and at what interest rate you will pay. Many people are recognizing the importance of checking their own credit report to verify its accuracy and to make sure that they know where they stand in the credit world. Until they begin the process to obtain a copy of their credit report, some people do not realize that they actually have three credit reports instead of just one. The three main credit bureaus keep separate credit records from one another and produce their own credit reports. Instead of the credit bureaus working together and sharing information among themselves like some people may think, they are actually competitors. That is why the information provided on one credit report will more than likely be different from the information provided on the credit report from another credit bureau. Therefore, it is recommended to check your credit report from all three credit bureaus in order to see the complete picture. There are a couple of options to checking all three of your credit reports. You can contact each of the credit bureaus individually to request a copy. Or you can go through one of the many online websites that can provide you with a 3-in-1 credit report like http://www.credit-report-credit-score.com . Obtaining a 3-in-1 credit report is usually more convenient and user friendly to the consumer compared to requesting individual copies. Verifying the data on all three of your credit reports is the only way to know that the information that potential lenders and creditors are evaluating you on is correct. When considering you for a loan, some lenders will pull your credit report from only one or two of the credit bureaus while other lenders will pull your credit report from all three. It is always a good idea to check your credit reports BEFORE applying for your next big purchase. Covering your bases beforehand can often times save you a lot of time and hassle during the application process. ------------------------- Note: This article may be freely reproduced as long as the authors bio paragraph at the bottom of this article is included, the article is published *as is* (unedited) and all URL's are made active hyperlinks with no syntax changes.
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