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Breaking Away From Your Cable Or Satellite Provider For Something A Lot Less Expensive - Articles SurfingSubscribing to a cable or satellite service can be quite costly lately. With most cable companies having a monopoly over their area they can charge pretty much any price they want. The only other choice is to go with a satellite company. This may allow you a keep it where ever you go but it is still very expensive especially if you want the extra movie, sports, and adult channels (until now). This means bad news for most of the areas in the United States. As the these greedy cable companies control certain areas the communities people must suffer. If these poor innocent bystanders of corporate greed only knew about a closely guarded secret this would not happen. TV is something that most people just cannot live without, basically everybody in the world watches TV and I am sure they don't want just a few fuzzy channels. After all this is the nations favorite past time. It almost seems that at times that there is just no other choice. You basically just have to give in and pay the outrageous prices that these companies charge for their services. That is exactly what they want you to think to. These companies simply exist to bully around the little guy. As I see it there are three choices to fight back. The first thing people could try is to stand up against these greedy corporations is to simply quit paying them for their services. In stead they use something like Satellite TV Pro. These kinds of services allow you to use your computer as your TV. You have to pay only one payment that is less than one month of service with your current provider and you will have access to over 2000 stations. These stations are the same ones that you get on satellites all over the USA and the rest of the world. The second of these choices is to simply just quit watching TV. Now I know this may seem a little far fetched or even crazy but there are other things out there in the world. We could all go out camping or hiking or something like that. I know we could all go on cross country trips. We could spend an arm and a leg in gas and make the oil barons rich instead. Scratch that. This idea just does not seem to be feasible. I myself couldn't live without seeing the latest episode of Lost. But you will still be stuck paying a monthly fee over and over again. The third thing we could try is to organize a national TV strike. If for one whole week everybody could just stop watching TV all together. Just unplug your nice big TV set and let it collect dust and put the remote in a safe place so it will be easy to find in one week. This option does seem like it would be fairly difficult though. It would be hard to get everybody to keep off the couch and away from the temptation sitting right there in front of them. I could see TiVO sales going through the roof as everybody rushes to buy one so they don't miss a whole weeks worth of soaps or their favorite sitcom. This idea would work but it would be near impossible to get a very large quantity of people to follow through. The service in the first option offers complete digital quality TV directly to your computer. From there you can either watch your favorite shows from the comfort of your office / computer room. If you felt like watching your favorite TV show on your television you can also simply hook your computer up to your television. Almost any computer bought in the last few years should have this feature. These services not only make it cheap and easy to use they also make it so you can record your favorite programs directly to your hard drive. This is just like having a built in TiVO. In fact this could also be a great alternative to getting an additional TV set and receiver. The only limitation on this kind of service is that you should have a broadband connection. Most of them say that you can use the software on even a dial up modem but I would not recommend it. It would however be worth just getting a broadband internet connection with all the money you are going to save. The picture and audio quality that you get with broadband is simply superior. I could only see using this on dial-up if you wanted to watch it while you did some offline work. I believe that this will be the wave of the future. A lot of everyday people like you and me used to get there cards programmed to get free satellite TV service. This was and is now still very illegal to do. People have been thrown in jail and charged some very large fines for doing this. A service like what Satellite TV Pro offers is completely legal so I really can't see nothing stopping this from coming the next big thing. I can however see the prices going through the roof once everybody catches on.
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