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3 Reasons Why to Get Bird Control For Your Home and the Methods of Bird Control - Articles Surfing

Very few people dislike birds and watching them, but most homeowners don't want their home to be bird-central. Unfortunately, this is precisely what happens when birds decide that hanging around your house is a good idea. While birds are visually appealing, they're also a major pain as they are quite noisy and can cause significant damage to your home with their droppings. It is for these reasons that many companies offer bird control that is both safe for your home and for the birds themselves. If you're thinking about why you should get bird control, you'll want to read on.

Three Reasons Why to Get Bird Control for Your Home

1. It's Humane. During the winter months, many birds choose to sit on chimneys or other things on the roof of a home that may warm them. Sometimes, if these things are uncovered, the birds fall through into your home. This can cause an injury'or even death'to the bird, not to mention, they'll probably get your home messy. Bird control is very humane for this reason alone: it will prevent the bird(s) from getting hurt due to warming itself.

2. The Prevention of Damage to Your Home Both Inside and Out. Birds are unfortunately very destructive, and can do a whole lot of damage to your home. For starters, their droppings are acidic, meaning they can eat through materials and completely mess up your roof or attic, if the bird manages to get into your home. Birds also have sharp beaks that can peck through screens and cost you a lot of money in window repair. Bird control will prevent the birds from even setting foot on your home.

3. No More Nests. Birds of all kinds can be noisy creatures, and once they've established a nest in or outside your house, it will be very difficult to remove. You can try knocking it down, but they'll just rebuild it and you'll continue to have the same problem. Fortunately, bird control, provided by a good company such as Northwest Windows, will take care of this issue once and for all. The nest will be permanently removed and the birds will not want to rebuild.

Three Methods of Bird Control

Now that you know why bird control is such an essential part of home maintenance, you may be a bit curious as to what the methods of bird control are. You can rest assured that all of them will not hurt the birds at all. Rather, they will simply give the birds reason to not visit your home.

The first method of bird control involves the use of spikes on the home. These spikes, contrary to what others may think, will not harm the birds. Instead, they will make it so that it is uncomfortable for the bird to sit on your roof. This will result in little to no further damage by the birds.

Another method of bird control makes use of an electronic track. Sort of like a bark collar on a dog, the electronic track sends a small electrical shock to the bird if it sets foot on your house. The shock does not harm the bird in anyway, and is a very effective method of bird control.

Finally, the last method of bird control is a non-toxic, transparent gel that is spread on your house (typically your roof). Like the other two methods, the gel keeps birds away but does not harm them.

Submitted by:

Adam Maxwell

Discover one of the best gutter cleaning and window cleaning in Seattle companies at http://www.Northwest-Windows.com



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