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Only Two Candidates For President'Says Who? Why Americans Should Support Independent or Third Party Candidates - Articles SurfingIllegal Immigration... lack of health care for millions of Americans... an enormous trade deficit... a bottomless government debt... outsourcing of American jobs... elected representatives who don't listen to the people who put them in office and pay their salaries. These issues represent just a few of the serious problems we face today. What can we do about it? We can elect leaders who will listen to the American people and make the changes we need to solve the problems. Are the candidates the Democrats and Republicans are giving us willing and able to solve these problems? NO. Barack Obama and John McCain have held public office and allowed these problems to fester and worsen over the last 15 years. These major party candidates keep talking change. Why should we believe that any of them would suddenly change their stripes and work for change? It's time for new blood and a different approach. We need a third choice and a new political path. What if a third party or independent politician surfaced with real answers to America's problems and the courage to take on the political establishment? It's happened before -' from John Anderson to Ross Perot -- and it could happen again. Although overshadowed by Obama and McCain, both Libertarian Bob Barr and independent candidate Ralph Nader are making a determined run for the presidency this year. It's time for the American people to make their voices heard. It's time for the people to reclaim their right to direct involvement in the governing of the United States of America. That can only happen through an independent candidate for president, a new political party, or a new organization that represents the views of the majority of Americans and fights to have these views heard and enacted into law. Americans must realize that the two-party system is hurting America. Why should the Democrats and Republicans have a stranglehold over U.S. politics? To get our country back on the right track, we need to: * Make sure every change and law is good for our country and all of its citizens. * Pass a term limits law for every elected office. That way, new people will get the chance to serve our country and then return to private life and live under the laws they helped to enact. That's what our founding fathers envisioned. * Vote in EVERY election and not become discouraged and apathetic. If you don't participate, you don't deserve to be listened to when you complain about the direction of our country. * Remember the words of Thomas Jefferson, 'The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. If you expect people to be ignorant and free, you expect what never was and never will be.' It's time to remember our duty to ourselves and our country. Learn all you can about the people running for president in 2008. Get up off the couch and participate in our political process. If we all do that -- and only if we all do that -' we can make a difference. What are you waiting for? In this election year, you can change the future'now.
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