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19 Tips For Attracting New Friends Faster Than Bees To A Honey Pot! - Articles SurfingI think most of us like to be popular and in demand. It's also nice to attract new friends so long as they are of a good quality and understand the symbiotic requirements of maintaining a good relationship. If you follow the below tips and give the process a little effort and concentration you will soon be attracting new friends and acquaintances like a magnet. They will also bring much happiness, achievement and success and into your life! Making new friends ' tip 1 First impressions count! We only have one chance to make a first impression so always be prepared as we can not always predict when the opportunity to make new friends and acquaintances will arise. Your level of grooming and personal hygiene and the way you dress will be a big part of making a good impact. Just important however is the way in which you approach someone and what you say. So study the body language of the people you feel are successful and popular communicators. Making new friends ' tip 2 Be relaxed Meeting and making friends should be an enjoyable process so have fun, lots of it. Be happy with the unique person you are and remember you have nothing to prove to anyone, some friendships will be right for you and others will not, so just take them as they come. Remember, some will, some won't, and someone is always waiting! Making new friends ' tip 3 Smile as much as possible When you smile you are showing the world how you feel inside, I hope you are happy. Smiling is one of the strongest and most obvious indications that you are none aggressive and friendly. So share a genuine smile with as many people as possible, it is a great way of attracting potential new friends and sharing a little happiness with others. Making new friends ' tip 4 Be happy Everyone loves a happy person and the way just being in their presence can make you feel. By contrast few of us enjoy the company of someone who is grumpy or miserable. Being happy and positive can be quite infectious so share your happiness around and you will always be popular and make tons of new friends. Making new friends ' tip 5 Hold strong eye contact Poor eye contact can mean low levels of confidence and in some cases even insincerity. However, when you look into someone's eyes it builds the levels of trust and shows you have nothing to hide. Making new friends ' tip 6 Use an enthusiastic greeting Develop the habit of greeting people as if you are really pleased to see them. Let them know you have a passion for life and greet them acordingly. When someone asks after my health I usually reply with 'I am fantastic' or 'really great' and being so positive makes them happy. Even if you do feel a bit under the weather don't tell them as no one appreciates a groaner. Making new friends ' tip 7 Be confident Most of us appreciate strong character, so let others see you have strong self confidence and belief in yourself. If you need help in this area you may wish to seek the help of a life coach who will make a fantastic investment into your levels of future happiness and success. Making new friends ' tip 8 Use a firm handshake A handshake can tell you many things about someone when you are attracting new friends. A weak or limp handshake can be very off putting. So can have your hand crushed in over enthusiasms. In between the two would be about right for most of us. Making new friends ' tip 9 Be complimentary It's really not hard to find reasons to offer sincere and well meant compliments to the people we meet. No one is ever paid enough of them and apart from the sever sceptics, compliments are usually well received and will make you memorable. Making new friends ' tip 10 Be nice to others Neither is it difficult to find ways of going that extra mile by being nice. Making new friends ' tip 11 Only say good things Every time you make a poor quality comment about someone behind their back (however deserved) you create negative energy which will come back to you in other ways. So if you can't say something good about whomever, it is better to say nothing at all. Most of us admire this none judgemental quality and so it would be a good habit to develop for attracting new friends. Making new friends ' tip 12 Be humble One of the most admirable qualities a person can possess is that of humility and playing down their achievements in life. By contrast few of us like or want the company or friendship of an outspoken, self-centred and boastful people! The following six tips are particularly important and will help you make new friends and become popular with almost everyone! Making new friends ' tip 13 Give your full attention When you are speaking to just one person focus solely upon them and give them your full attention. Dismiss what is happening around you and concentrate as if they were the most important person in the world. Making new friends ' tip 14 Listen carefully When you allow someone to say all they want without interruption it may be the first time it has happened to them since they were a child. Such listening skills are rare and always in demand. Just nod encouragingly as they talk and only interrupt them with the occasional encouraging question. Do this and you will elevate yourself to a high position on their list of important and liked people. Making new friends ' tip 15 Be understanding We will always have our own opinion which is the way it should be. However, when you can put yourself in the shoes of someone else and see the situation from their point of view also you will have grown as a person. Accept their uniqueness and don't share your opinion unless it is asked for. Making new friends ' tip 16 Speak about them The most important person in the world to us as individuals is ourselves. Most people like speaking about themselves and like the people that listen to them when they are speaking about their favourite subject. You may also find it interesting to discover more about them and they way they think as it will greatly improve your communication skills. Making new friends ' tip 17 Make people feel important By using a mixture of the above four tips you will make that person feel special and important! You have paid them a big honour and much respect as well as demonstrating that you have some rare and valuable skills. They will find it difficult not to like you after you have given them so much attention. Making new friends ' tip 18 Be giving of your time When someone wants to speak or has a problem, be prepared to give them some of your time. I promise you that in the long run your consideration will be repaid many times over. Even if you can't listen immediately make an appointment with them and ask them up front how much of your time do they think they will need? Highlighting the value and importance of your time in this way will help to focus them on their outcome. Making new friends ' tip 19 Send them a note Get into the habit of sending little notes after you have met someone. It may be a thank you or just a quick compliment or even telling them it was great meeting them. In this modern day of email, msn and text messaging it is inexpensive or even FREE to do so. I promise you that with a little persistence going the extra mile in this way will pay and return you dividends. This is the practise of one of the most successful and popular people I know. He told me it only takes a few minutes to send such notes each day and the rewards are tremendous. Finally All of the above tips you have just discovered will generate positive energy. Life is much like a mirror and what we give out we will get back only it is usually magnified many times. So by learning to master and develop these simple tips into strong habits you will not only be helping the people you meet and be making new friends, but also attracting positive energy and actions towards you. Have fun
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