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A New Weight And Exercise Program - Articles Surfing

We all know the importance of a competent weight loss and fitness regime, especially if you want to lose weight. A adequate intake with vitamin supplements, some physical training, walking and swimming are just some of the things that need to be considered.


A friend dies of a heart attack, the doctor gives you a stern warning, your twentieth high school reunion is coming up, a new book on weight loss comes out, or a new exciting diet arrangement hits the market. India">All of these events have inspired you to finally do something about your weight and fitness.

Weight loss surgery, you say? We neither are advocates for or against it, but keep in mind that for most surgeries an even additional extreme diet will be required after surgery. And the same is true of an exercise system. Be sure to investigate all the competent AND bad of weight loss surgery,

Keep in mind that deciding to reduce the calories, fat, saturated fat, and sugar in your diet is a big step, and trying to do that at the same time you endeavor to make a drastic change in your physical activity level, may be biting off too much at one time. So be cautious about taking on the extra stress than you can handle at once. If you can handle it, though, you'll have a head start. Adding fibre to your diet -- such as whole grain cereals, legumes (lentils and beans), vegetables, and fruits -- can help you feel full with fewer calories.

Here is a sure formula for failure: go on an extreme (starvation) diet. You only consume 1000 to 1500 calories per day. The result is usually that you have set yourself up for failure in the long term. Most people can't keep it up and the body protests and will begin to "save" fat. Generally, this is not a acceptable idea.


Strength training benefits everyone, no matter what age or sex, and is becoming recognized as an important component of fitness. One big advantage of weight training is that your fat stores are attacked in a couple of ways: first while you are actually training and second after the fact. You see, your body will continue to burn fat long after you stopped training. Strength training will also benefit weight loss in the long run due to the formation of muscle tissue which can aid in burning calories.

There are 2 types of training. They are aerobic also know as cardiovascular training and anaerobic training such as resistance training. The best time to do aerobic training is first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. Be sure that your intensity remains within your target heart rate training zone (about 120 heart beats per minute - an estimated average for most non health-impaired adults). For a potent exercise system, consider a pilates class. For more on pilates information, please visit http://www.fluidvitamin.com/pilates-cl-and-yoga-classes/.

High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT as it is commonly called is one of the best exercise methods for excellent fat loss and muscle retention. All sprinters incorporate HIIT in their training procedure and they are muscular and yet have very little body fat. Slowing build up your running to extra time per session, added sessions per week or additional strenuous activity such as occasional sprinting.


Any aerobic exercise like walking, jogging, swimming and most sports increases the flow of oxygen to the brain as well as heart. Swimming can be a great weight loss exercise because it is easy on the joints. Swimming is very, very low impact and it works a variety of muscle groups. It is an alternative to jogging for those physically unable to jog.


Were you aware that brisk walking burns more calories than jogging for the same distance? that's because it takes extra time to walk than jog that distance and poses less risk for injury to muscle and bone. Other low to moderate impact aerobics include swimming, stair climbing, step classes, light water aerobics, rowing and cross-country skiing.

When you visit boundless shopping malls how about walking up the stairs and ban the escalators or elevator? Whether you are pushing your basket around the supermarket, trying on things or just walking around you are definitely using up extra calories than if you had stayed at home on the couch. That means that in a half hour of walking, you could burn an additional 200 extra calories.

Start a walking group or find a walking friend. Plan out periods during the day that you will have a little extra time to exercise in - things like walking out to go get lunch, parking your motor vehicle a few rows further away than the closest spot, or even fidgeting at your desk will burn calories.

It doesn't really matter what you do. Just know that in order to lose weight and get fit, you will have to be proactive and take action. It's worth it.

Submitted by:

Yvonne Volante

Yvonne Volante, the author, is a big fan of health and fitness and writes for fluidvitamin.com, which is the premier vitamin resource on the internet. You can see all of the articles over at http://www.fluidvitamin.com



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