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A Simple Step by Step Guide to Losing Weight - Articles SurfingThere is so much contradictory information regarding weight loss that it is understandable that many people end up following bad advice. Those who want to lose weight do so because they are unhappy with their appearance and so they are often looking for a quick fix solution. This leads to a lot of disappointment as people fail to understand that weight loss is a gradual process. There is no miracle weight loss plan other than one that involves a good diet and exercise over a period of time. This is the only correct and safe way to lose weight. You need to understand how your body works in relation to what you do and your body weight. The body uses energy that is stored from the food that we eat. If we do not use this energy then it is stored as fat. So in order to keep yourself in trim condition you need to ensure that the body does not develop excess fat. This is the basic principle; there are other factors such as metabolic rate and genetics, but generally if you burn excess fat through a process of a good diet and regular exercise than you will lose weight. To ensure that you are able to maintain this balance between diet and exercise you should try to follow the advice below. Firstly you need to avoid junk food. This is obvious I know, but so many people fall at this hurdle. To avoid temptation always ensure that you have plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables at home. If you feel hungry then it is better to satisfy that desire with an apple then a candy bar. You should avoid buying processed meals and instead cook for yourself. This way you can measure what your daily fat intake is. Secondly, do not try to reduce meal times. It is normal and healthy for you to eat regularly and at no point should you skip meals. This is counter-productive for your weight loss program. If you miss a meal then your metabolism slows down to conserve energy, this will make you feel more hungry and so you are much more likely to eat food that is accessible, which usually means food that is not good for you. Thirdly, you should gradually reduce your calorie intake. It is important that this is done over a long period of time. If you shock your body by suddenly cutting all high calorie food from your diet then you are more likely to panic eat as a result. Instead over a few weeks gradually replace the key foods that you eat regularly with a low-fat alternative. For example, replace whole milk with skimmed and soft drinks with water. Finally you need to consider your exercise routine. You probably already know that you will not be running a marathon any time soon. Much like the rest of the advice above you need to gradually introduce exercise into your regular routine. Start by going for a short 20 minute walk in the morning and then over a period of weeks gradually introduce longer walks, jogging and swimming. This advice is simple to follow and it will be effective in helping you to lose weight. But you have to discipline yourself by taking gradually steps to improve your diet and improve your exercise routine. The emphasis is firmly on gradual change. You will avoid disappointment by adopting a long term view that weight loss is a goal that can only be achieved over a long period of time and not within a week.
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