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A Sinus Headache - Can It Be Effectively Treated? - Articles SurfingUnlike a lot of other headaches that patients must suffer through, a sinus headache does have some potential cures, or at least effective remedies. This isn't to say they'll all be instant, cure alls, but there are some approaches sufferers can take to remove or at least lessen the pain. A sinus headache is characterized by pain that's induced when the sinus cavities become congested. This can be brought on by colds, allergies or sinusitis. Many of the causes will go away on their own, but some will require medical attention to tackle. The symptoms of a sinus headache include such things as pain in the forehead and around the eyes and cheeks. Tenderness in the skin and bones under the eyes may also be present. Pain that radiates out from the eyes toward the temples is also a top symptom. Frequent symptoms beyond the facial pain include blurred vision, pain with movement and even pain in the teeth. Many a sinus headache sufferer has made a dental appointment to tackle the pain only to find out it's actually caused by the sinuses. The causes of a sinus headache generally fall in line with swollen or inflamed sinus cavities. Sinuses that are filled up with mucous can also induce the condition. The best way to treat a true sinus headache is to tackle the underlying problem. If it's sinusitis, an antibiotic might be prescribed to combat the condition. A cold induced or allergy induced sinus headache will often respond well to treatment of those conditions. Over the counter medications and inhalers often work well, too, in lessening the pain involved in the headache itself. Some people who suffer from chronic sinus headache symptoms actually don't have sinus headaches at all. Many headache specialists say that sinus headaches are frequently misdiagnosed. The underlying problem in this case is actually a migraine. To tell the difference between a sinus headache and a migraine can be quite difficult. This is especially so if there is a visible problem in the sinus system at the time of an attack. Things to watch for, however, include pain that's stronger or more focused to one side, an extreme sensitivity to light or sound and a throbbing or pulsing pain sensation. If these things are present, the sinus headache might just be a migraine, which isn't to say the pain is any less appealing. Dealing with a sinus headache can be a real nightmare. For those who experience severe attacks, the condition can be quite derailing. The best treatment is a good offense. Allergy sufferers who also get these headache should keep their allergies in check when possible. Those with other sinus conditions might want to see the advice of a specialist to bring the underlying condition into check. There is help out there for those who seek it.
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