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Be Wary Of Treating Bone Spurs With Coral Calcium - Articles SurfingThere are many websites that claim coral calcium can be used to successfully treat bone spurs, but unfortunately there are no medical studies that support this bold statement. Each of these websites has testimonials from customers claiming they have cured there bone spurs in only a few weeks by taking coral calcium. Before we can disprove, or believe the coral calcium testimonials we must first understand what a bone spur is. The term "bone spurs" is often misunderstood, as most are under the assumption that they are a sharp spur like structures poking into the spine, when in fact they are actually smooth abnormal growths formed on the bone over a long period of time. Osteophytes, the medical term for bone spurs, means an enlargement of the normal bony structure. As we age it is common to find the growth of bone spurs due to degeneration of the spine. Adults over the age of 60 are in a high risk bracket for the growth of Oseteophytes. It is common for some degree of spinal degeneration to occur in everyone as they age. At least 42% of the population will develop bone spurs in their lifetime which can eventually lead to severe symptoms, such as pain to the neck, back and limbs. As well, it is common for most to experience gradual overall weakness to their extremities as time goes on. The first step for an evaluation or diagnosis of bones spurs is to have a clinical examination. Visit your health care provider so they may conduct a neurological and spine evaluation in order to assess any spinal nerve and cord compression. In order for a physician to determine the destructive changes to the spine, radiographs may be performed. This starts with an x-ray to the spine in order to determine if any arthritic changes or formation of bone spurs are indicated. Further testing may be done for radiographic images. Detailed supervision of change to the spinal architecture and nervous system compression are documented through conducting computerized tomography (CT scans) with mimeograph and/or MRI scans. A clinician will then correlate radiographic finding with clinical symptoms using the films provided from the tests. Recommendation of consultation with a spinal surgeon may follow in order to take a corrective course of action. Traditional Bone Spur Treatment Often with conservative care, most patients with mild to moderate nerve irritation and compression are able to manage their symptoms effectively. This can be done by taking medications such as a muscle relaxant or anti-inflammatory, for 4 to 6 weeks. Sufficient rest can help, as inflammation of the joints will often occur due to activity. Physical therapy and manipulation after 1-2 weeks will often alleviate painful symptoms in the joints. Epidural steroid or cortisone injections are effective but can result in severe side effects. Treating Bone Spurs with Coral Calcium Coral calcium is a great source to increase your calcium and mineral intake but it is unclear if coral calcium is a viable bone spur treatment. As mentioned before there are no reputable medical studies that prove or disprove this theory. One thing is certain, taking coral calcium can not hurt you, and perhaps by taking coral calcium you may feel healthier. This could be a reason for these many customer testimonials that claim they have cured bone spurs by taking coral calcium.
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