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Beat Stress With Fun! - Articles SurfingLife is stressful, but you don't have to let the stress be your life. So many of us suffer health complications due to extreme stress. But did you know, that just a little bit if fun can help you beat stress and stay healthy. Sure, easier said than done, right. Breaking up the day with a few minutes of fun, here and there, can make a huge difference to how your body handles stress. When you have something to look forward to, like doing a crossword puzzle at lunch or at coffee break you are giving your mind a little relief and making your self stronger. For some, a brisk little five or ten minute walk with some soothing music on your ipod will bring relief. Plan a fun night with your family once or twice a week. Play board games, make popcorn or sing karaoke. Singing is a great release. The idea is to toss out the worries (even if temporary) so you are better equipped to handle whatever comes your way. How about dancing. Don't worry if you think you can't, just put on some music and get moving. Your body will naturally produce endorphins which make you feel good. The kids will have a blast, and you will burn some calories, tone your body and feel great! And if you opt for a nice sunny location, all the better. The warmth and sunshine can help energize and rejuvenate, washing away the built up anxiety leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the world head on. Remember to have fun while on vacation, try something new like parasailing or water skiing. Enjoy your time away from the stress of your daily routine. If you spend your entire vacation on the phone with office getting aggravated or worrying, you won't get the positive results you are after.
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