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Beating The Nicotine Smog - Simple Steps - Articles Surfing

We daily burn money! And, all for nothing! The smoke costs us money and the smog also ultimately bleeds us white! Still we can't say 'NO!' to smoking. So, Beware! The villain is nicotine!

In fact, nicotine is one of the most addictive of materials on earth. The worst part of it is that nicotine has millions of people in its throes. Nicotine can have serious effects on a person's health. It is always advisable to stay away from nicotine. What is more, nicotine smog can affect the passive smokers as well. In fact, researchers have found that passive smoking is very dangerous. Irrespective of whether a person is a smoker or a passive smoker, the indisputable fact is that both can contract heart problems over a period of time. Smoking cigarette can also lead to asthmatic problems. These ailments raise their heads after a person crosses his middle ages. And needless to say, the person then will have to fight a really tough battle to even breathe! The culprit is the habit of smoking with nicotine being the catalyst!

Nicotine enters the human body mostly through cigarettes. When a person starts smoking, the nicotine emanating from the burning cigarette affects the person's brain. That portion of the person's brain gets affected which is directly connected with the pleasure modes of the person. Nicotine works on a person's pleasure highways. As a result, nicotine compels the brain to play with a set of pleasure trips.

Once a person gets a flavor of these pleasures, it becomes rather tough for the person to bid goodbye to nicotine. Ultimately, a person becomes totally dependent on nicotine not only psychologically but also physically. Smoking conjures up an aura of positive wellbeing as it hikes the volumes of dopamine and neurotransmitter to the brain. Under such circumstances, a person fails to quit the habit. On the other hand, such pleasure feelings force the person to smoke more.
On the other hand, this is also the reason why a person trying to quit smoking cigarettes starts getting the withdrawal syndromes. These common withdrawal symptoms are anxiety and depression. They are also accompanied by the person becoming easily irritable. He/she may also lose appetite and have problems in moving the bowels.

The withdrawal syndrome results from the brain not getting the artificial means of augmenting pleasure as the very nicotine sources, the cigarettes, are not there. In simple words, the neural highways are deprived of the hitherto regularly supplied catalyst, the nicotine.

There are innumerable medications that claim to help the people quit smoking. However, one thing is for sure, though. One quits smoking more then a hundred times! Hence, the most plausible way to say goodbye to smoking is to first convince yourself that you do need to quit smoking and that too immediately. You can start mind control exercises to condition your mind in such a way that you would refuse the next urge to smoke a fag.

Many people take to chewing gums. The constant munching can be a good exercise for your jaws and the gums. These sweetened gums are, however, not recommended for the diabetics. Alternative medicines have a whole lot of medications to help the people quit smoking. One vital herbal medicine is just a tincture of oats (the garden variety and not the oat straw) to beat the fag feeling.

There are also immense psychological effects of a person's mental outlook taking effect on the person's body language. There are instances of person carrying in their pockets dummy cigarettes. The moment they feel the urge to smoke, they whip out the dummy fag and they feign smoking for a few seconds. But, thank god this is a fag sans the smog.

After all, it is all in the mind. Think and thank your strong will power. Say No to nicotine today for a better future.

Submitted by:

Nilutpal Gogoi

Nilutpal Gogoi is a writer and a freelance journalist having more than 18 years of service in several audio-visual and print media reputed organizations in North East India. For more information log on to For more information, log on to http://www.lifesourcewellbeing.com/http://www.wellbelife.com/http://www.betterlivingsite.com/



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