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Becoming a Healthier You - Articles SurfingYou only have one body and it has to last you your entire life. I have seen people in their 50's who have no energy and can just barely get through the grocery store. I have also seen people in their 70's that are full of life and energy. They travel all over and enjoy every day of their life. It all depends on how healthy you are though and what steps you take now to protect it for the future. Most of us don't eat like we should. We either skip meals or we eat fast food due to a lack of time to really make a decent meal. We have very busy lifestyles and so things like planning menus just don't happen like they should. We also live in a society where people love to eat out for social interaction. Making healthy choices though will give you a healthier body. Too many people reading this will translate that to mean they have to go on a diet. Eating a healthy diet is something you should incorporate as a lifestyle change, not something you do for a short period of time. Make sure you have plenty of great foods you enjoy to choose from so you won't get bored. Don't be afraid to try new recipes. You want a balanced diet that includes lean meats, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, and a small amount of grains. You can have some snack foods that you love but do so in moderation. If you can't live without them look for fat free and sugar free options. Your body consists of mainly water but too many of us don't drink enough of it. That means your body has a harder time getting rid of waste materials. Your heart, kidneys, and liver all have to work harder than they should. Drinking enough water will give them a break and it will keep you hydrated. Your skin will look radiant and toxins will be flushed from your body. You need to take an honest look at how much exercise you get each day. If you sit at a desk in an office for 8 hours a day you don't get much movement. Add all you can during the day. Take the stairs rather than the elevator and park a distance away and walk. You can also get out and walk on your breaks and at lunch after you eat. To get a healthier body you need to be willing to assess what your current habits are. Then you can focus on where you need to make changes. Encourage yourself to stick to a plan and to reach your goals. Don't be too tough when you slip though and just get right back on track. A common mistake is to make too many changes at once. That is a formula that often leads to a person giving up. Instead you need to make one or two small changes at a time. Once you are comfortable with automatically doing them daily you can add some more changes. This will ensure you are able to stick to the plans you have laid out for yourself.
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