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Benefits Of Milk On Building Muscle - Articles SurfingForget protein powder and creatine, milk is one of the best supplements ever for anyone looking to add lean muscle mass. I never realized the potential of milk till I added it to my program and added 10 lbs in a matter of 2 months, with little change to my diet. A liter of milk (just under 1/3 of a gallon) contains 32 grams of protein coming from two primary sources: casein and whey. The two of these are hands down the best kind of protein your body can get. You can get it at any store and it's relatively cheap considering the amount of protein you get. Instead of drinking sports drink and sodas replace it with a couple glasses of milk. It's great for drinking at night to keep the body out of a catabolic state and can even benefit your sleeping pattern! Milk contains heaps of vital minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc. Calcium is extremely important for any lifter as it helps aid in having healthy and strong bones. It also makes for less fat storage in the body and has been shown to decrease body fat in obese people quite significantly. Make sure to stick to semi skimmed or 2% milk as it's basically a liquid meal. It's ideal for making protein shakes or for a quick meal on the go. For those seriously dieting I'd recommend skimmed milk as it has much less fat than regular. I hope you have been enlightened on the benefits of milk on muscle building. If you do not enjoy milk that much, a glass or two at night time will go a long way. If money is a problem there's really no other substitute for drinking milk calorie wise and in the long run will save you money having to buy solid foods. Every good diet should indefinitely consist of milk and lots of it, so drink up.
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