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Best Way To Stop Smoking - Articles SurfingThere is no a single, tried and tested best way to stop smoking. The fact is that every smoker should find a good reason to quit and than be strong and serious enough to achieve this goal. The lack of a best way to stop smoking does not mean that there are not plenty of ways to help you quit. People have described each one of the 'tricks' below as their best way to stop smoking. Read what they say: Julie, 25: 'I am 25 and I have been smoking since I was 16. Until last year when I quit. It all started like a game but one day I realized that I have increased the number of cigars I smoke per day to up to a pack. This fact somehow scared me and I decided to quit. It was not easy so I though what will be the best way for me? I came up with a list with all the reasons why I should stop smoking. As you can imagine the list was long and terrifying. Each time I was dying for a cigar I just read the list. This turned to be the best way to stop smoking for me.' John, 47: 'I am an ex-smoker since 2 years, 3 months and 3 weeks. I have been smoking during all of my reasonable life. The best way to stop smoking for me was to use some medication that helped me overcome the nicotine addiction I have had.' Joshua, 32: 'I stop smoking 3 months ago and still I have my moments of desperation when my mind is just crying for a cigar. The support I receive from my friends and the ex-smokers discussion group I am attending is what is helping me to cope with this. The best way to stop smoking for me is to just stop and get as much support from other people in my situation as possible' Nicole, 39: 'The best way to stop smoking for me was changing my whole behavior. I have tried several times, unsuccessfully. The last time when I decided to stop smoking I sat down and made a realistic assessment what it will cost me. I realized that if I want to quit I have to change all my routines that included smoking. This was not only helped me leave this dangerous habit behind, but actually brought me a much better, interesting and healthy life' Helena, 45: 'To stop smoking I used a non standard way ' acupuncture and yoga classes. As I was interested in such things whole my life I decided that this will be the best way for me to stop smoking.'
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