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Better Heels For Foot Health - Articles SurfingHeels make the female leg look beautiful, and many women wear them as a matter of course. They can, however, have seriously damaging affects on the foot of the wearer as well as on their muscles and knees. For the woman who is addicted to heels there is still hope for a comfortable look that is good for leg and foot health. There are certain shoes that have better affects on the feet. Stilettos are a big offender. They can cause all manner of injuries to the foot including hammer toes and stress fractures not to mention downright sore feet. Heels with more squared toes offer better accommodation for the natural curve of the toes than most shoes. Also, chunkier, shorter heels will cause less damage to the foot in the long run. Unfortunately, these shoes are better for the foot but just as damaging to the knees. Thicker soles are better for the foot. They are more shock absorbing and put less pressure on the foot. The upper material of the shoes should ideally be made out of leather or a microfiber which will allow the foot some room to move and will not constrict the foot if swelling occurs. If high heels are absolutely necessary they should only be worn in small doses. If you must wear high heels to work, wear a flat or a sneaker on the way there. Many offices will have a storage room where you can keep a small box full of heels if they can't fit at your desk area. If you can afford it, regular pedicures and the massage that often comes with them are a great way to keep your feet in top shape. If you can't afford that luxury you can create a similar situation at home by massaging your own feet or soaking them in warm water. Sadly the safest shoes for your feet are also the dullest shoes. However, you will appreciate the steps you take now to protect your feet in the future. You will be able to walk without pain and won't be subjected to painful (and common) surgeries to correct foot injuries and deformities created by extensive use of heels. The ideal heel is not more than a half or three quarters of an inch in height, not very sexy, but much more comfortable and infinitely better for the present and future health of your feet and legs.
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