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Better Treatment For Diabetics - Articles Surfing

An astonishing discovery was made by several doctors regarding treatment for type 2 diabetes. According a recently conducted study published in the American Diabetes Association's (ADA) journal Diabetes Care, a vegan diet that is low in fat might be a better treatment for diabetes than oral medication traditionally prescribed for diabetics. The same study also showed the vegan diet to be better than the current diet being prescribed by the ADA.

The study involved individuals that were diagnosed to have type 2 diabetes. They were assigned, randomly, to either the existing diet prescribed by the ADA or a vegan diet (strictly plant-based) that is low in fat. The ADA diet group were tasked to control their intake based on their body weight and lipid concentrations in their plasma. The ADA diet consisted of less than 7% of saturated fat, 15 to 20% of protein, 60 to 70% of carbohydrates plus monounsaturated fats, and a maximum of 200mg of cholesterol a day. The vegan diet on the other hand was limited to vegetables, grains, legumes, and fruits. This diet, which eliminated animal materials, consisted of 75% carbohydrate, 15% protein, and 10% fat. The portions were not controlled.

The results of the study showed that both the ADA diet and the low-fat vegan diet greatly improved the lipid and glycemic control of the participants. However, the results were even greater for those who followed the vegan low-fat diet. Moreover, the patients that followed the vegan low-fat diet also exhibited remarkable improvement in their control for blood sugar, weight control, kidney function, and cholesterol reduction ' these are four markers always monitored for diabetic patients.

One participant was able to lose 42 pounds on the diet, plus she no longer needed to continue taking her medicines. This is quite impressive considering that her diabetes was increasing and she no longer responded to intense drug therapies. Another participant observed the sudden normalization of his blood sugar levels. He also experienced weight reduction of around 60 pounds in the course of the research.

The vegan low-fat diet was seen to be dramatically different from the existing diets prescribed for diabetes as it did not place any limit on carbohydrates, calories, and portions. Not only was the diet quite effective for the treatment of diabetes, it also produced good side effects such as decrease in cholesterol and weight loss. Doctors are hopeful that these findings would urged the prescription of the more natural diet before the dispensing of drugs. The occurrence of diabetes throughout the world has dramatically increased throughout the years, now there are over 20 million people in America who are diabetic, and this discovery could greatly help those who have been diagnosed of having the disease.

What makes the vegan low-fat so good for diabetics is its high fiber and low fat content, which are elements that are deemed to be necessary for the reduction of the density of dietary energy and the intake of energy. Such influences the nutrient intake of the body, which greatly helps to normalize insulin sensitivity.

The study was conducted by some dieticians and doctors associated with the George Washington University, the University of Toronto, and the PCRM (Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, funded by the Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation and the National Institute of Health.

This remarkable news could help the millions who are suffering the disease and even those who are just being diagnosed of having diabetes. With the increasing costs of medicine nowadays, such a development is very welcome.

Submitted by:

Karen Newton

Karen Newton is a registered nurse and acclaimed author with over 25 years of health care experience. Her newest book, Diabetic Diet Secrets, is a guide to losing weight and getting control of diabetes. Karen offers free Diabetic Tips Course at http://www.diabeticdietsecrets.com/diabetictips.htm.



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