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Bipolar Disease ' Symptoms And Treatments - Articles SurfingIn the world of psychological disorders there are few that are more difficult to deal with than bipolar disease. Although dealing with a bipolar disorder is anything but easy the reasons it is hard to deal with is easy to see when one considers that those who suffer its affects are cycling between two psychological states: Depression and mania. This cycling between these two states can have serious affects on the personality and behavior that its sufferers exhibit. Within the diagnosis of bipolar disease there are several subtypes of the disorder itself. These include: rapid cycling bipolar, teen bipolar disorder, and types I and II. Being properly diagnosed is important when it comes to deciding on which treatment regimen to follow. Bipolar disease sufferers exhibit many of the same type of symptoms with each person experiencing these symptoms to varying degrees of severity depending on which cycle of the disorder they are in. When experiencing a manic episode they will usually experience intense feelings of pleasure and/or happiness. Their creativity and motivation are at a high point, which helps explain why many successful writers and musicians show the signs of bipolar disease and are diagnosed with it. During the manic episode those with this disorder will also talk incessantly while feeling that they are not getting their point across to whoever they are talking to. In more severe cases this manic state can cross over into more dangerous territory and include symptoms like hostile behavior, destruction of property and hallucinations and delusions. At the other extreme of bipolar disorder is depression. When the bipolar sufferer is in this state they will exhibit feelings of despair and hopelessness, lose interest in work and family, show signs of anxiety, lose interest in sex, have trouble getting out of bed and suicidal thoughts. The depression side of bipolar disease can also manifest physical symptoms such as headaches, stomach and digestive issues, weight gain or loss, social withdrawal and for some abuse of drugs and/or alcohol. Bipolar disease can be treated with a combination of psychotherapy and prescription medications. The first step any one who suffers from this disorder must take is getting a diagnosis from a psychiatrist or psychologist before any medications or therapies can begin. SSRI's and MAOI's are the two groups of antidepressant drugs most commonly used to combat the symptoms of bipolar disease, but because of the severity of this condition psychotherapy is also highly recommended in conjunction with any drug therapy. The battle with bipolar disease can last a lifetime. Bipolar disease can destroy the lives of those who suffer it and can have a profound negative affects on those close to those who have it. Because of this it is important that not only those who suffer with this condition get proper treatment but family and friends are not only supportive but also seek to understand what this disease is doing to their loved one and why they are exhibiting the behaviors they do.
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